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facebook sdk 3移动应用在行动脚本中安装广告

[英]facebook sdk 3 Mobile App Install Ads in actionscript

I'm making mobile application in Adobe AIR but can't find solution for integrating new facebook features. 我正在Adobe AIR中制作移动应用程序,但找不到集成新Facebook功能的解决方案。 There is a library supported by both Facebook and Adobe https://code.google.com/p/facebook-actionscript-api/ but it lacks lots of new sdk parts. Facebook和Adobe都支持一个库https://code.google.com/p/facebook-actionscript-api/,但是缺少许多新的sdk部分。

Particularly I'm interested in having Mobile App Install Ads working. 我特别想让Mobile App Install Ads运作。 Hope I'm not alone with this and someone has similar issue. 希望我并不孤单,有人遇到类似的问题。 There are several variants in my mind: 1. porting java sdk code to actionscript 2. creating ane extension 我的想法有几种变体:1.将Java sdk代码移植到动作脚本2.创建ane扩展

Any thoughts, suggestions, solutions are welcome. 欢迎任何想法,建议,解决方案。

I'm looking to do this exact same thing. 我正在寻找做同样的事情。 There's no way around it as far as I can see but to port the publishInstall code from a Mobile SDK. 据我所知,除了从Mobile SDK移植publishInstall代码之外,别无他法。 I like the Android SDK version for that. 我喜欢它的Android SDK版本。

The following code is from the Settings.java: 以下代码来自Settings.java:

        GraphObject publishParams = GraphObject.Factory.create();
        publishParams.setProperty("event", "MOBILE_APP_INSTALL");
        publishParams.setProperty("attribution", attributionId);
        publishParams.setProperty("auto_publish", isAutoPublish);
        publishParams.setProperty("application_tracking_enabled", !AppEventsLogger.getLimitEventUsage(context));
        publishParams.setProperty("application_package_name", context.getPackageName());

        String publishUrl = String.format(PUBLISH_ACTIVITY_PATH, applicationId);
        Request publishRequest = Request.newPostRequest(null, publishUrl, publishParams, null);

It looks like a straight forward request to reproduce. 看起来像是直接要求复制。 I'll try to remember to update this after I get it done. 完成后,我会尽量记住对其进行更新。

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