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[英]How to accumulate unique sum of columns across pandas index

I have a pandas DateFrame, df which I created with 我有一个用它创建的熊猫DateFrame,df

df = pd.read_table('sorted_df_changes.txt', index_col=0, parse_dates=True, names=['date', 'rev_id', 'score'])

which is structured like so: 其结构如下:

                     page_id     score  
2001-05-23 19:50:14  2430        7.632989
2001-05-25 11:53:55  1814033     18.946234
2001-05-27 17:36:37  2115        3.398154
2001-08-04 21:00:51  311         19.386016
2001-08-04 21:07:42  314         14.886722

date is the index and is of type DatetimeIndex. date是索引,类型为DatetimeIndex。

Every page_id may appear in one or more dates (not unique) and is large in size ~1 million. 每个page_id可能会出现在一个或多个日期中(不是唯一的),并且大小约为100万。 All of the pages together make up the document . 所有页面共同构成了文档

I need to get a score for the entire document at every time in date while only counting the latest score for any given page_id. 我需要在每个时间获取整个文档的分数,而只计算任何给定的page_id的最新分数。


Example Data 示例数据

                     page_id     score  
2001-05-23 19:50:14  1           3
2001-05-25 11:53:55  2           4
2001-05-27 17:36:37  1           5
2001-05-28 19:36:37  1           1

Example Solution 示例解决方案

2001-05-23 19:50:14  3
2001-05-25 11:53:55  7 (3 + 4)
2001-05-27 17:36:37  9 (5 + 4)
2001-05-28 19:36:37  5 (1 + 4)

The entry for 2 is counted continuously since it is not repeated but each time id 1 is repeated the new score replaces the old score. 因为不重复输入2,所以条目被连续计数,但是每次重复id 1时,新得分将替换旧得分。

Edit : 编辑

Finally, I found a solution that don't need for loop: 最后,我找到了不需要循环的解决方案:

df.score.groupby(df.page_id).transform(lambda s:s.diff().combine_first(s)).cumsum()

I think a for loop is needed: 我认为需要for循环:

from StringIO import StringIO
txt = """date,page_id,score
2001-05-23 19:50:14,  1,3
2001-05-25 11:53:55,  2,4
2001-05-27 17:36:37,  1,5
2001-05-28 19:36:37,  1,1
2001-05-28 19:36:38,  3,6
2001-05-28 19:36:39,  3,9

df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(txt), index_col=0)

def score_sum_py(page_id, scores):
    from itertools import izip
    score_sum = 0
    last_score = [0]*(np.max(page_id)+1)
    result = np.empty_like(scores)
    for i, (pid, score) in enumerate(izip(page_id, scores)):
        score_sum = score_sum - last_score[pid] + score
        last_score[pid] = score
        result[i] = score_sum
    result.name = "score_sum"
    return result

print score_sum_py(pd.factorize(df.page_id)[0], df.score)

output: 输出:

2001-05-23 19:50:14     3
2001-05-25 11:53:55     7
2001-05-27 17:36:37     9
2001-05-28 19:36:37     5
2001-05-28 19:36:38    11
2001-05-28 19:36:39    14
Name: score_sum

If the loop in python is slow, you can try to convert the two series page_id, scores to python list first, loop over list and calculation with python's native integer maybe faster. 如果python中的循环很慢,则可以尝试转换两个系列的page_id,首先将分数转换为python列表,然后遍历列表并使用python的本机整数进行计算可能会更快。

If speed is important, you can also try cython: 如果速度很重要,您也可以尝试cython:

cimport cython
cimport numpy as np
import numpy as np

def score_sum(np.ndarray[int] page_id, np.ndarray[long long] scores):
    cdef int i
    cdef long long score_sum, pid, score
    cdef np.ndarray[long long] last_score, result

    score_sum = 0
    last_score = np.zeros(np.max(page_id)+1, dtype=np.int64)
    result = np.empty_like(scores)

    for i in range(len(page_id)):
        pid = page_id[i]
        score = scores[i]
        score_sum = score_sum - last_score[pid] + score
        last_score[pid] = score
        result[i] = score_sum

    result.name = "score_sum"
    return result

Here I use pandas.factorize() to convert the page_id to an array in range 0 and N. where N is the unique count of elements in page_id . 在这里,我使用pandas.factorize()page_id转换为0和N范围内的数组。其中N是page_id中元素的唯一计数。 You can also use a dict to cache the last_score of every page_id without using pandas.factorize() . 您也可以使用字典来缓存每个page_id的last_score,而无需使用pandas.factorize()

An alternative datastructure makes this calculation easier to reason about, performance won't be as good as other answers, but I thought worth mentioning (mainly because it uses my favourite pandas function...) : 替代的数据结构使此计算更容易推论,性能将不如其他答案那么好,但是我想值得一提(主要是因为它使用了我最喜欢的pandas函数...)

In [11]: scores = pd.get_dummies(df['page_id']).mul(df['score'], axis=0).where(x!=0, np.nan)

In [12]: scores
                      1   2   3
2001-05-23 19:50:14   3 NaN NaN
2001-05-25 11:53:55 NaN   4 NaN
2001-05-27 17:36:37   5 NaN NaN
2001-05-28 19:36:37   1 NaN NaN
2001-05-28 19:36:38 NaN NaN   6
2001-05-28 19:36:39 NaN NaN   9

In [13]: scores.ffill()
                     1   2   3
2001-05-23 19:50:14  3 NaN NaN
2001-05-25 11:53:55  3   4 NaN
2001-05-27 17:36:37  5   4 NaN
2001-05-28 19:36:37  1   4 NaN
2001-05-28 19:36:38  1   4   6
2001-05-28 19:36:39  1   4   9

In [14]: scores.ffill().sum(axis=1)
2001-05-23 19:50:14     3
2001-05-25 11:53:55     7
2001-05-27 17:36:37     9
2001-05-28 19:36:37     5
2001-05-28 19:36:38    11
2001-05-28 19:36:39    14

Is this what you want? 这是你想要的吗? But I think it's a stupid solution. 但是我认为这是一个愚蠢的解决方案。

In [164]: df['result'] = [df[:i+1].groupby('page_id').last().sum()[0] for i in range(len(df))]

In [165]: df
                     page_id  score  result
2001-05-23 19:50:14        1      3       3
2001-05-25 11:53:55        2      4       7
2001-05-27 17:36:37        1      5       9
2001-05-28 19:36:37        1      1       5

Here is an interim solution I put together using the standard library. 这是我使用标准库汇总的临时解决方案。 I would like to see an elegant efficient solution using pandas. 我希望看到一个使用熊猫的优雅有效的解决方案。

import csv
from collections import defaultdict

page_scores = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
date_scores = [] # [(date, score)]

def get_and_update_score_diff(page_id, new_score):
    diff = new_score - page_scores[page_id]
    page_scores[page_id] = new_score
    return diff

# Note: there are some duplicate dates and the file is sorted by date.
# Format: 2001-05-23T19:50:14Z, 2430, 7.632989
with open('sorted_df_changes.txt') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')

    first = reader.next()
    date_string, page_id, score = first[0], first[1], float(first[2])
    page_scores[page_id] = score
    date_scores.append((date_string, score))

    for date_string, page_id, score in reader:
        score = float(score)
        score_diff = get_and_update_score_diff(page_id, score)
        if date_scores[-1][0] == date_string:
            date_scores[-1] = (date_string, date_scores[-1][1] + score_diff)
            date_scores.append((date_string, date_scores[-1][1] + score_diff))

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