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[英]WCF Client error: “The address of the security token issuer is not specified”


error occur: "The address of the security token issuer is not specified. An explicit issuer address must be specified in the binding for target 'net.tcp://localhost:5054/player' or the local issuer address must be configured in the credentials." 错误发生:“未指定安全令牌发行者的地址。必须在目标'net.tcp:// localhost:5054 / player'的绑定中指定一个明确的发行者地址,或者必须在该目标中配置本地发行者地址。证书。”

there is any wrong in credentials? 凭证有错吗?

have any idea? 有什么想法吗?

Binding setup with an IssuedToken credential type: 具有IssuedToken凭证类型的绑定设置:

<issuedTokenParameters keyType="SymmetricKey" tokenType="" /> 

use next child node as issuer. 使用下一个子节点作为颁发者。

For that follow this link: 为此,请点击以下链接:

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb924499.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb924499.aspx

This allows you to specify the address of an secure token server that the client should use to negotiate the token. 这使您可以指定客户端用来协商令牌的安全令牌服务器的地址。

<issuer> is written as follows: <issuer>编写如下:

<issuer address="https://server/secure token server" binding="<binding type>" bindingConfiguration="<binding configuration for the secure token server>" />

Hope its helpful. 希望对您有所帮助。

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