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[英]ADT reverting back to standard Eclipse when installing plugin

I'm using the ADT of Eclipse, downloaded from the Android Dev site. 我正在使用从Android Dev网站下载的Eclipse的ADT。 Each time I install a plugin and restart ADT, the splash screen reverts back from this (The ADT splash) to http://www.stuermer-benjamin.de/v12_1/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/001_launch_eclipse_4.2_juno.jpg&w=905&h=">this (The vanilla Eclipse splash). After the application has loaded, the way I have my panels laid out reverts back to the default and the UI doesn't look like the regular Eclipse interface like this instead the elements are grey and boxy. The plugin then never works - when I try to perform an action that the plugin should handle I get an error message popup. 每次我安装一个插件,并重新启动ADT,闪屏从还原回 (ADT的飞溅),以http://www.stuermer-benjamin.de/v12_1/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/001_launch_eclipse_4.2_juno .JPG&W = 905&H =“>此(香草的Eclipse飞溅)的应用程序加载后,我有我的面板布局方式恢复到默认设置,用户界面看起来并不像像普通的Eclipse接口不是元素是灰色且呈方形的,则该插件将永远无法工作-当我尝试执行该插件应处理的操作时,会弹出错误消息。

I've had this happen with any plugin I try to use (from the Help > Install new software... dialog). 我尝试使用的任何插件都会发生这种情况(从“帮助”>“安装新软件...”对话框中)。 Each time I have had to delete and recreate my Eclipse program folder with a fresh download. 每次我不得不删除并重新下载我的Eclipse程序文件夹时,都需要重新下载。 Does anyone know what is going wrong and how I can fix this/install plugins correctly? 有谁知道出了什么问题以及如何正确修复此/安装插件?

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