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蓝牙低功耗Java Api或C / C ++库

[英]Bluetooth Low Energy Java Api or C/C++ Library

Is there any recently ported Java api or C/C++ library I can use to write a BLE standalone programs under windows XP or mac mini? 我是否可以使用任何最近移植的Java API或C / C ++库在Windows XP或Mac mini下编写BLE独立程序?

As I read in this post: " Bluetooth Low Energy API for Windows 7.0 " such api is only available for windows 8. 正如我在这篇文章中所读到的:“ 适用于Windows 7.0的Bluetooth Low Energy API ”此类api仅适用于Windows 8。

Does somebody know any link that could be useful to start programming BLE applications under windows 8? 有人知道在Windows 8下启动BLE应用程序编程可能有用的任何链接吗?

Thanks in advance, Joel 预先感谢,乔尔

For the sample code refer to the "Example" for some of the functions listed in the link given below http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/hh450825(v=vs.85).aspx 有关示例代码,请参见http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/windows/hardware/hh450825(v=vs.85)下方链接中列出的某些功能的“示例” 。 aspx

hope that helps to some extent 希望在一定程度上有所帮助

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