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jQuery .click然后.slideDown div

[英]Jquery a .click then .slideDown div

I have anchor which when you click would slidedown a form within a div, and then click again would slide it back up. 我有锚点,当您单击该锚点时会将div中的表单向下滑动,然后再次单击将其向上滑动。 Initially I just used .toggle, but now I have multiple anchors and multiple divs with the same class, so I had to rework the code or else anytime you clicked on any of the anchors all the divs would slidedown and you would see 4 forms. 最初我只是使用.toggle,但是现在我有多个锚和同一个类的多个div,因此我不得不重新编写代码,否则无论何时单击任何锚,所有div都会滑落,您会看到4种形式。

So, I thought I could just rewrite the code with .closest, but it doesn't seem to be working. 所以,我以为我可以用.closest重写代码,但是似乎没有用。 I think it's because .closest has to go up the DOM hierarchy, so it won't work for my div the way it's laid out. 我认为这是因为.closest必须上升到DOM层次结构,所以它不适用于我的div,其布局方式也是如此。 I tried .sibling but that doesn't work either. 我尝试了.sibling,但这也不起作用。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

  <a href="#" class="payment-form-show">Pre-Pay with Credit Card</a>
  <div style="display: none;" class="payment-form-wrapper">
      <h3><?php _e('Submit a Payment', 'jc_stripe'); ?></h3>
      <form action="" method="POST" id="stripe-payment-form" class="payment-form">

        $("a.payment-form-show").click(function() {
            var e = $(this).closest("div.payment-form-wrapper");
                    if (e.is(":hidden")) {
                        $(this).html("Don't Pre-Pay with Credit Card")
                    } else {
                        $(this).html("Pre-Pay with Credit Card")
            return false;

I think you should wrap your a.payment-form-show and div.payment-form-wrapper inside a div. 我认为您应该将a.payment-form-show和div.payment-form-wrapper封装在div中。 Like this: 像这样:

<a href="#" class="payment-form-show">Pre-Pay with Credit Card</a>
  <div style="display: none;" class="payment-form-wrapper">
      <h3><?php _e('Submit a Payment', 'jc_stripe'); ?></h3>
      <form action="" method="POST" id="stripe-payment-form" class="payment-form">
  • When the a tag is clicked, you look for the immediate parent and then find the form: 单击一个标签后,您将寻找直接父级,然后找到以下形式:

    $(this).parent().find("div.payment-form-wrapper"); $(本).parent()找到( “div.payment外形包装”);

  • In this case, the div wrapper serves as the context for your tags. 在这种情况下,div包装器充当标签的上下文。 This would create a more maintainable code. 这将创建一个更易于维护的代码。 Because when you use .next() or some function to look for the .div.payment-form-wrapper, your javascript code is coupled to the current position of the tags. 因为当您使用.next()或某些函数来查找.div.payment-form-wrapper时,您的javascript代码才会耦合到标记的当前位置。 In the future, if you modify the position, or add some tags in between, your code would fail. 将来,如果您修改位置或在两者之间添加一些标签,则代码将失败。

Use this... 用这个...

$(".payment-form-show").on('click', function() {
        $(this).html("Pre-Pay with Credit Card");
        $(this).html("Don't Pre-Pay with Credit Card");

An see the DEMO 安看演示

This code should work even if all the div's have the same class. 即使所有div都具有相同的类,此代码也应该起作用。 Check it out: 看看这个:

$(".payment-form-show").on('click', function() {
    var slider = $(this).closest("a").next();

    slider.is(":visible") ? $(this).html("Pre-Pay with Credit Card") : $(this).html("Don't Pre-Pay with Credit Card");

Fiddle based off of MG_Bautista's fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/8b5q5/1/ 小提琴基于MG_Bautista的小提琴: http//jsfiddle.net/8b5q5/1/

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