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[英]upload csv and parse content to mysql

I would like to upload a csv file and than to show what for columns has. 我想上传一个csv文件,而不是显示列的内容。 Than I would like to assign to this columns a mysql table and columns of it to upload content to database. 比我想给这列分配一个mysql表,并把它的列上载到数据库。

**CSV -> Upload (HTML Form)**

**show CSV columns like**

           | select table and show columns in select combo   
id         | dropdown with mysql tabel columns  
name       | dropdown with mysql tabel columns
address    | dropdown with mysql tabel columns

UPLOAD to mysql 上载到mysql

Having not to many experience I would like to know: Must the CSV be uploaded first to the server or I can handle on the flow? 经验不足,我想知道:CSV必须先上传到服务器,还是可以处理?

Here is the code for it: 这是它的代码:

$host="hostname"; // Host name
$username="username"; // Mysql username
$password="password"; // Mysql password
$db_name = "database_name"; // Database name
$tbl_name = "table_name"; // Table name

// Connect to server and select database.
$con = mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect");
mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");

if ($_FILES[file][size] > 0) { 

//get the csv file 
$file = $_FILES[file][tmp_name];
$handle = fopen($file,"r"); 
$count = 0;

//loop through the csv file and insert into database 
//this loop ignores the first row of CSV file as they are the headers
$flag = true;
do {           
        if ($data[0]) { 
            $count = $count + 1; 
                mysql_query("INSERT INTO $tbl_name (email,password) VALUES 
                        '".addslashes($data[0])."', //CSV equivalent of id
                        '".addslashes($data[1])."', //CSV equivalent of name
                        '".addslashes($data[2])."', //CSV equivalent of address
} while ($data = fgetcsv($handle,10000,",","'")); 

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