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[英]Show Interfaces in ArgoUml Sequence diagram

I am using ArgoUml to draw sequence diagram. 我正在使用ArgoUml绘制序列图。 But how can i show interface classes along with the implementation using ArgoUML? 但是,如何使用ArgoUML显示接口类以及实现?

A ClassifierRole can have either an Interface or a Class associated with it, since they're both subtypes of Classifier . ClassifierRole可以具有Interface或与之关联的Class ,因为它们都是Classifier子类型。 Just drag the classes or interfaces that you want to work with onto the Sequence Diagram and start drawing Actions between them. 只需将要使用的类或接口拖到序列图上,然后开始在它们之间绘制动作即可。

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