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将文件从Javascript上传到Google Cloud Endpoint

[英]Upload file from Javascript to Google Cloud Endpoint

I'm creating a web app using only HTML5 + Javascript + jQueryMobile and I wanted to upload a file to a Google App Engine web application using a Google Cloud Endpoint , also created by me. 我正在仅使用HTML5 + Javascript + jQueryMobile创建一个Web应用程序,并且想使用我创建的Google Cloud Endpoint将文件上传到Google App Engine Web应用程序。

As I control both sides, I can (and want to) create the simplest interaction possible. 当我控制双方时,我可以(并希望)创建尽可能简单的交互。

As for the Endpoint, I thought of creating a method like this: 至于端点,我想到了创建这样的方法:

  name = "uploadFile",
  path = "upload_file",
  httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST
public void uploadFile(File file) {
  //process the file

This File class could contain a field fileData of type Blob, or byte[] or something like that, repersenting the file data... Something like: 这个File类可以包含Blob类型或byte []之类的字段fileData ,或类似的东西,表示文件数据...诸如此类:

public class File {    
  private String fileName;
  private long fileSize;
  private Blob fileData;    
  //getters and setters

So the first question would be: what's the most suitable type for this field fileData ? 因此,第一个问题是: 此字段 fileData 最合适的类型是 什么?

And, taking into account the type selected for the field, how could I create the necessary POST request for that endpoint method form Javascript/jQuery? 而且,考虑到为该字段选择的类型, 我如何为该终结点方法使用Javascript / jQuery创建必要的POST请求?

Basically I need to create a POST request to http://myappid.appspot.com/_ah/api/files/v1/upload_file adding the File object in the POST data. 基本上,我需要向http://myappid.appspot.com/_ah/api/files/v1/upload_file创建POST请求,并在POST数据中添加File对象。

Note: I'm sorry I haven't tried anything for the Javascript code because I'm not familiar at all with this technologies, so I'd appreciate any help... 注意:很抱歉,我没有为Javascript代码做任何尝试,因为我对这种技术一点都不熟悉,因此,我将不胜感激。

Edit: The answer below targes python version of AppEngine 编辑:下面的答案以AppEngine的python版本为目标

It is a common demand with no clear solution. 这是一个普遍的需求,没有明确的解决方案。 Till now, gae-init-upload is a demonstration of how you can achieve that with AppEngine and CoffeeScript. 到目前为止, gae-init-upload演示了如何使用AppEngine和CoffeeScript实现该目标。 Worth having a look, CoffeeScript is being compiled into JavaScript in case you are not familiar. 值得一看的是,如果您不熟悉,CoffeeScript将被编译为JavaScript。

The JavaScript solution you are looking for is under 您正在寻找的JavaScript解决方案


I eventually used this code in my AMD Javascript application. 我最终在我的AMD Javascript应用程序中使用了此代码。 I'm sorry I cannot explain it too much because I've written a big amount of code since I wrote this project, and as you can see I didn't comment the code properly ( fail!! ), anyway maybe you can get some ideas... 对不起,我不能解释太多,因为自从我写了这个项目以来,我已经写了很多代码,并且如你所见,我没有正确地注释代码( 失败! ),无论如何,你可能会得到一些想法...

Note that there's something about getting navigator position because I wanted to store the location where the file was uploaded from, but it's not necessary at all! 请注意,获取导航器位置有些事情,因为我想存储文件上传的位置,但这根本没有必要!

Controller.js Controller.js

    uploadFile: function(request, render) {
        var self = this;
        var file = $("#file").get(0).files[0];

        var reader = new FileReader();            
        reader.onload = function (evt) { 
            var upload = {
                provider: self.folder.provider,
                folderIdentifier: self.folder.id,
                fileName: file.name,
                fileSize: file.size,
                base64Data: btoa(evt.target.result),
                location: {
                    latitude: self.position.coords.latitude, 
                    longitude: self.position.coords.longitude
            var uploadFilePromise = self.connector.uploadFile(self.sessionToken.token, upload);            
            uploadFilePromise.done(function (file) {
                render("file", {
                    result: "DONE",
                    file: file
            uploadFilePromise.fail(function (error) {
                render("file", {
                    result: "FAIL"

        navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
            self.position = position;                

Connector.js Connector.js

    uploadFile: function (sessionToken, upload) {
        var self = this;
        var promise = new Promise();

        gapi.client.load('upload', 'v1', function() {
            var request = gapi.client.upload.uploadFile({
                session_token: sessionToken, 
                resource: upload
            request.execute(function(response) {
                if (response.error) {
                else {
                    var file = File.create(response.result.provider,
                                               latitude: response.result.location.latitude,
                                               longitude: response.result.location.longitude
        }, self.api);

        return promise;

Endpoint.java Endpoint.java

public class UploadEndpoint {

        name = "uploadFile",
        path = "upload_file",
        httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST
    public File uploadFile (
            @Named("session_token") String token, 
            Upload upload) throws InternalServerErrorException {

        File file = new UploadController().uploadFile(token, upload);
        return file;


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