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[英]countdown timer using javascript should not restart on reload

I have a timer in my checkout page, we have a 2 step checkout after step1 the web page reloads to step2 and hence the timer restarts. 我的结帐页面中有一个计时器,在步骤1之后,我们有一个两步的结帐,网页重新加载到步骤2,因此计时器重新启动。 I need the timer to continue 我需要计时器才能继续

Here is my code 这是我的代码

This is javascript 这是javascript

 <input type="hidden" id="dealCost" name="dealCost" value="${model.dealCost}"/>
 <script type="text/javascript">
  var dealCst = document.getElementById('dealCost').value;

  if(dealCst < 53){
  zi_inceput1 = new Date();
  ceas_start1 = zi_inceput1.getTime();

  function initStopwatch1() {
      var timp_pe_pag1 = new Date();
      return ((timp_pe_pag1.getTime() + (1000 * 0) - ceas_start1) / 1000);
  var tim = 1200;
  function getSecs1() {
      var tSecs1 = Math.round(initStopwatch1());
      var iSecs1 = (tim-tSecs1) % 60;

      var iMins1 = Math.round((tSecs1 - 30) / 60);
      var iHour1 = Math.round((iMins1 - 30) / 60);
      var iMins1 = iMins1 % 60;
      var min = Math.floor((tim-tSecs1) / 60);
         min = "0"+min;
      var iHour1 = iHour1 % 24;
      var sSecs1 = "" + ((iSecs1 > 9) ? iSecs1 : "0" + iSecs1);
      var sMins1 = "" + ((iMins1 > 9) ? iMins1 : "0" + iMins1);
      var sHour1 = "" + ((iHour1 > 9) ? iHour1 : "0" + iHour1);
      document.getElementById('checkout_timer').innerHTML = min + ":" + sSecs1;
      window.setTimeout('getSecs1()', 1000);
  window.setTimeout('getSecs1()', 1000);

This is the html code 这是HTML代码

 <c:if test='${model.dealCost < 53}'>
 <div class="timer" style="float: right; width: 210px; font-size: 15px; margin-right: 20px;">
<div style="margin-top:20px;padding-bottom:5px;box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);background: white;overflow:none;">
    <div class="otherheadercheckout"><div class="otherheadertextcheckout"><img src="/images/little_white_shopping_cart-19x19.png">&nbsp;Timer</div></div>
    <p align="center">Time left to checkout</p>
    <div align="center" style="font-weight:600;">
        <span id="checkout_timer"></span>



If you want to save the state of the timer from one page load to the next, then you have to specifically store the timer information somewhere that persists from one page to the next. 如果要将计时器的状态从一页加载保存到下一页,则必须专门将计时器信息存储在从一页到下一页持续存在的位置。 Javascript variables are not saved from one page load to the next - they are reinitialized from scratch each time the page loads. Javascript变量不会从一个页面加载保存到下一个页面-每次页面加载时都会从头开始对其进行初始化。

Your options are: 您的选择是:

  1. Server-side: use ajax to save the timer state to your server so it can be put into subsequent page loads. 服务器端:使用ajax将计时器状态保存到您的服务器,以便可以将其放入后续页面加载中。 This is troublesome because unless you know right when the user is leaving the page and can save the remaining time to the server reliably at that moment, any sort of timer save precision would require a lot of ajax calls to the server to constantly save the time. 这很麻烦,因为除非您知道用户何时离开页面,并且可以在那一刻将剩余时间可靠地保存到服务器,否则任何类型的计时器保存精度都将需要对服务器进行多次ajax调用以不断节省时间。

  2. Client-side: Store the timer state locally via a cookie or (in newer browsers) local storage. 客户端:通过Cookie或(在较新的浏览器中)本地存储在本地存储计时器状态。 This is easy, but can be easily manipulated by a hacker (if you care). 这很容易,但是很容易被黑客操纵(如果您愿意的话)。

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