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[英]Calling Rails action from Javascript

I have the this link_to in my that calls the update action in my controller: 我在我的调用我的控制器中的update操作的link_to

<%= link_to((image_tag("lock_closed.svg", :class => "edit")), :controller => "sections", :action => "update",:id => section.id, :remote => true) %>

But I would really like to call the update action through some javascript with an ordinary image tag. 但我真的想通过一些带有普通图像标记的javascript调用update操作。

So something like: 所以类似于:

<%= image_tag("lock_closed.svg", :class => "edit")%>

and: 和:

    if ($(this).hasClass("update")){
    // call update action
    } else {
    //do something else 

Is it possible to call an action this way? 是否可以通过这种方式调用动作? I've been finding a bit on using GET & POST or Ajax methods but I'm not sure how to utilise them to target a specific controller & action. 我一直在寻找使用GETPOSTAjax方法,但我不知道如何利用它们来定位特定的控制器和动作。

Send an Ajax call 发送Ajax呼叫

  if ($(this).hasClass("update")){     
      type: "PUT",
      url: "/sections/<%= section.id %>"
  } else {
    //do something else 

In order to solve the issue of ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken on the ajax call we should send also the authenticity_token . 为了解决ajax调用中ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken的问题,我们还应该发送authenticity_token

   url: '/sections',
   data: { authenticity_token: $('[name="csrf-token"]')[0].content, 
           id: <%= section.id %> },
   method: 'POST',
   success: function (res) {

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