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[英]Sphinx document module properties

I have a module that should have a @property , I solved this by setting a class as the module. 我有一个应该有@property的模块,我通过将类设置为模块来解决这个问题。 I got the idea from this answer: Lazy module variables--can it be done? 我从这个答案中得到了一个想法: 懒惰的模块变量 - 可以做到吗?

I wanted this to be repeatable and easy to use so I made a metaclass for it. 我希望这个可重复且易于使用,所以我为它制作了一个元类。 This works like a charm. 这就像一个魅力。

The problem is that when using Sphinx to generate documentation properties don't get documented. 问题是,当使用Sphinx生成文档属性时,请不要记录。 Everything else is documented as expected. 其他所有内容都按预期记录。 I have no idea how to fix this, maybe this is a problem with Sphinx? 我不知道如何解决这个问题,也许这是Sphinx的一个问题?

The module: 模块:

import sys
import types

class ClassAsModule(type):
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        # Make sure the name of the class is the module name.
        name = attrs.pop('__module__')
        # Create a class.
        cls = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
        # Instantiate the class and register it.
        sys.modules[name] = cls = cls(name)
        # Update the dict so dir works properly

class TestClass(types.ModuleType):
    """TestClass docstring."""
    __metaclass__ = ClassAsModule
    def some_property(self):
        """Property docstring."""
    def meth():
        """meth doc"""

And a copy-paste to generate/view Sphinx documentation: 以及用于生成/查看Sphinx文档的复制粘贴:

sphinx-apidoc . -o doc --full
sphinx-build doc html
xdg-open html/module.html

The most essential part is to document the class' properties. 最重要的部分是记录班级的属性。 Bonus points to also document original module members. 奖励指向还记录原始模块成员。

EDIT: The class should be documented as the module it is in. The class is used this way and should thus appear this way in Sphinx. 编辑:该类应记录为它所在的模块。该类以这种方式使用,因此应该以这种方式出现在Sphinx中。

Example of desired output: 期望输出的示例:

Module Foo
    TestClass docstring.

        Property docstring.

        meth doc

EDIT 2: I found something that may aid in finding a solution. 编辑2:我找到了一些可能有助于找到解决方案的东西。 When having a regular module foo with the following content: 当具有以下内容的常规模块foo时:

#: Property of foo
prop = 'test'

Sphinx documents this like: Sphinx记录如下:

foo.prop = 'test'
    Property of foo

The same works if prop is an attribute of a class. 如果prop是类的属性,则同样有效。 I haven't figured out why it doesn't work in my special case. 我还没弄清楚为什么它在我的特殊情况下不起作用。

Here's my understanding. 这是我的理解。

The theory is: making a mutant your class act like a module this (a bit hacky) way makes sphinx think that he doesn't need (to parse) properties from modules (because it's a class-level paradigm). 理论是:使 一个突变体 你的类就像一个模块这个(有点hacky)方式使得sphinx认为他不需要(解析)模块中的属性(因为它是一个类级别的范例)。 So, for sphinx, TestClass is a module. 因此,对于sphinx, TestClass是一个模块。

First of all, to make sure that the culprit is the code for making a class act like a module - let's remove it: 首先,要确保罪魁祸首是使类像模块一样的代码 - 让我们删除它:

class ClassAsModule(type):

we'll see in docs: 我们将在docs中看到:

package Package
    script Module

    class package.script.ClassAsModule
        Bases: type

    class package.script.TestClass
        Bases: module

        TestClass docstring.

            meth doc

            Property docstring.

As you see, sphinx read the property without any problems. 如您所见,sphinx读取属性没有任何问题。 Nothing special here. 这里没什么特别的。

Possible solution for your problem is to avoid using @property decorator and replace it with calling property class constructor. 您的问题的可能解决方案是避免使用@property装饰器并将其替换为调用property类构造函数。 Eg: 例如:

import sys
import types

class ClassAsModule(type):
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        # Make sure the name of the class is the module name.
        name = attrs.pop('__module__')
        # Create a class.
        cls = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
        # Instantiate the class and register it.
        sys.modules[name] = cls = cls(name)
        # Update the dict so dir works properly

class TestClass(types.ModuleType):
    """TestClass docstring."""
    __metaclass__ = ClassAsModule

    def get_some_property(self):
        """Property docstring."""

    some_property = property(get_some_property)

    def meth(self):
        """meth doc"""

For this code sphinx generates: 对于此代码,sphinx生成:

package Package
    script Module
        TestClass docstring.

                Property docstring.

                meth doc

May be the answer is a piece of nonsense, but I hope it'll point you to the right direction. 答案可能是一个废话,但我希望它会指向正确的方向。

The way I've found that works best is to keep the file contents the same as if you were writing a regular module, then at the end replace the embryonic module in sys.modules : 我发现最好的方法是保持文件内容和编写常规模块一样,然后在sys.modules替换胚胎模块:

"""Module docstring.  """

import sys
import types

def _some_property(self):
some_property = property(_some_property)
"""Property docstring."""

def meth():
    """meth doc"""

def _make_class_module(name):
    mod = sys.modules[name]
    cls = type('ClassModule', (types.ModuleType,), mod.__dict__)
    clsmod = cls(name)
    clsmod.__wrapped__ = mod
    sys.modules[name] = clsmod

Text documentation: 文字文件:

mymod Module

Module docstring.


   meth doc

mymod.some_property = None

   Property docstring.

For the version of Sphinx I'm using (v1.1.3), it looks like you have to apply the property constructor explicitly (you can't use it as a decorator), and the docstring has to go in the file at the top level, on the line after the constructor call that creates the property (it doesn't work as a docstring inside the property getter). 对于我正在使用的Sphinx版本(v1.1.3),看起来你必须显式地应用属性构造函数(你不能将它用作装饰器),并且docstring必须放在顶部的文件中level,在构造函数调用之后的行上创建属性(它不能作为属性getter中的docstring)。 The source is still fairly readable, though. 但是,源代码仍然具有可读性。

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