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发送电子邮件时URL格式错误。 Rails 3.2

[英]URLs wrongly formatted when sending emails. Rails 3.2

I have managed to send emails (gmail) from my Rails 3.2 application with no apparent problems. 我已经设法从Rails 3.2应用程序发送了电子邮件(gmail),没有明显的问题。 However, the urls genrated in email have the :id param wrongly positioned. 但是,电子邮件中生成的URL的:id参数位置错误。

NotificationMailer NotificationMailer

default :from => 'no-reply@someDomaiin.com'
def report_spam(comment)
    @comment = comment

    mail(:to => "admin@someDomaiin.com", :subject => "Inappropriate content report")

certainEmail.html.haml someEmail.html.haml

Reported by:
= link_to @comment.reports.last.user.name, users_url(@comment.reports.last.user)

Content of the accused comment:
= link_to @comment.body, events_url(@comment.event.id)

The email at the inbox looks nice 收件箱中的电子邮件看起来不错

Reported by: " saben "
Content of the accused comment: 
" I just created a superb event!! "

However, those both links urls are: 但是,这两个链接的网址都是:


And the SHOULD be: 并且应该是:


This happens with all/different mailers I got. 我收到的所有/不同邮件都会发生这种情况。 Is there anything obvious I am missing? 有什么明显的我想念的吗?

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

SOLUTION : 解决方案:

= link_to @comment.reports.last.user.name, user_url(:id => @comment.reports.last.user.id)

Content of the accused comment:
= link_to @comment.body, event_url(:id => @comment.event.id)


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