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[英]Bind some referenced object properties

I have a dictionary: 我有一本字典:

private Dictionary<int, ICar> _ICarsDic;

The object ICar actually contains another list of objects: 对象ICar实际上包含另一个对象列表:

public interface ICar 
    int carId { get; set; }
    string carName { get; set; }
    Dictionnary<int,IBrandsDetails> brandsDetails { get; set; }

I am binding this CarsDic dictionnary to a DataGrid (transforming it to an IEnumerable before but that's not the point of the question so no showing here). 我将此CarsDic字典绑定到DataGrid(之前将其转换为IEnumerable,但这不是问题的重点,因此此处未显示)。

<DataGrid Name="Cars"
    SelectedItem="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}, AncestorLevel=2}, Path=SelectedCar, Mode=TwoWay}">
        <DataGridTextColumn Header="Car Id" Binding="{Binding CarId}" IsReadOnly="True" />
        <DataGridTextColumn Header="Car Name" Binding="{Binding carName}" IsReadOnly="True" />

My problem is that I'd like to display some data from the BrandsDetails as well (common to all the cars), like for example the logo. 我的问题是,我也想显示BrandsDetails的一些数据(所有汽车都通用),例如徽标。 This synthax doesn't work though: 这个合奏虽然不起作用:

<DataGridTextColumn Header="Full Name" Binding="{Binding BrandsDetails.Logo}" IsReadOnly="True" />

Thank you in advance for your answers! 预先感谢您的回答!

i htink the following link will solve your problem 我认为以下链接将解决您的问题

http://www.dev102.com/2008/03/07/binding-a-wpf-control-to-a-dictionary/ http://www.dev102.com/2008/03/07/binding-a-wpf-control-to-a-dictionary/

quoting 引用

Binding to a dictionary can be tricky. 绑定到字典可能很棘手。

It sounds simple but it never works on the first try. 听起来很简单,但第一次尝试就无法使用。 Usually when you first run you application you see that instead of the beautiful template you created for the items, you get something that looks like a pair of key and value. 通常,当您第一次运行应用程序时,您会看到,而不是为项目创建的漂亮模板,您得到的东西看起来像一对键和值。 your binding works fine, you just did not think about what are you binding to. 您的绑定效果很好,您只是没有想到要绑定到什么。 every item in a dictionary is a pair (Key,Value) and that is exactly what you get as the binded item. 字典中的每个项目都是一对(键,值),而这正是您作为绑定项目获得的。 You have two ways of handle this, You can either change the markup of the Binding expression to include the reference to the Value : 您有两种处理方法,可以更改Binding表达式的标记以包括对Value的引用:

                 <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                     <TextBlock Text="{Binding Value.Text}"></TextBlock>
                     <TextBlock> = </TextBlock>
                     <TextBlock Text="{Binding Value.Value}"></TextBlock>

or you can change the binding expression of the control to refer to the Values property of the dictionary: 或者可以更改控件的绑定表达式以引用字典的Values属性:

 <ComboBox Height="23" Margin="0,14,9,0" Name="comboBox1"
                  VerticalAlignment="Top" SelectedValuePath="Key"
                  ItemsSource="{Binding Items.Values}"
                  HorizontalAlignment="Right" Width="120">

Now you have your control binded to a Dictionary, Hurray! 现在,您已将控件绑定到词典,万岁!

For this answer I will assume that your DataGrid is bound to the Dictionary containing the ICar implementing objects (your exact binding is both unclear and overly complicated). 对于这个答案,我将假设您的DataGrid已绑定到包含ICar实现对象的Dictionary(您的确切绑定既不清楚又过于复杂)。

The reason why your BrandsDetails binding fails is that property is actually a Dictionary , and you know that doesn't have a Logo property. BrandsDetails绑定失败的原因是该属性实际上是Dictionary ,并且您知道它没有Logo属性。 Ideally that DataGrid column should have a data template that is some sort of repeater control like a ListView or another DataGrid, or use a MultiBinding and a converter - that is the only way you will be able to show the complete Dictionary from that property. 理想情况下,DataGrid列应具有一个数据模板,该模板是某种中继器控件(如ListView或另一个DataGrid),或者使用MultiBinding和转换器-这是唯一可以从该属性显示完整Dictionary的方法。 Otherwise you will need to use indexing in the path for your binding to pick out a single item. 否则,您将需要在绑定的路径中使用 索引来挑选单个项目。

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