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[英]How to Make guava cache value permanent

Is it possible, using Google Guava's Cache, to keep my cached value in the cache permanently? 是否可以使用Google Guava的缓存将我的缓存值永久保存在缓存中?

Below is how I build my cache: 以下是我建立快取的方式:

cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()               
                .expireAfterWrite(60, TimeUnit.MINUTES)

I want my cache to keep the value permanently (currently it's 60 minutes). 我希望我的缓存永久保留该值(当前为60分钟)。 Is there any method of doing so? 有什么办法吗?

Just remove expireAfterWrite from builder (it's optional feature): 只需从构建器中删除expireAfterWrite (它是可选功能):

cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()

so that entries will be evicted only when maximumSize is reached. 这样,只有在达到maximumSize时,才会驱逐条目。

Guava's Cache is well documented but you should probably read Wiki page too. Guava的Cache有充分的文档记录,但您可能也应该阅读Wiki页面

PS If by "permanent" you meant "will be there after restart", Guava Cache isn't for you since it's in-memory cache. PS:如果“永久”是指“重启后将在那里”,那么Guava Cache不适合您,因为它是内存中的缓存。

Simply change the value in builder: 只需在builder中更改值:

cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()               
            .expireAfterWrite(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.DAYS)

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