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[英]binding dojo.grid to restful service with authentication via jsonreststore

I searched a while for this issue, but could not find much about it. 我搜索了一下这个问题,但找不到多少。

In my javascript application I try to visualize data of my restful backend via jsonreststore and dgrid. 在我的javascript应用程序中,我尝试通过jsonreststore和dgrid可视化我的restful后端的数据。

That is what I got so far: 这就是我到目前为止所得到的:

        function getRequest(args) {
            return {
                url: 'http://myworkingapiwithevents/events',
                handleAs: 'json',
                sync: false,
                headers: {
                    'Authorization': 'Basic HriB5jsHUib2K='

        require(["dojo/store/JsonRest", "dojo/rpc/JsonService"], function (JsonRest, JsonService) {            
            service = new JsonService('http://myworkingapiwithevents/events', true /*isJson*/, undefined /*schema*/, getRequest);
            myStore = new JsonRest({ service: service });

        require(["dojox/grid/DataGrid", "dojo/data/ObjectStore", "dojo/domReady!"
        ], function (DataGrid, ObjectStore) {
            grid = new DataGrid({
                store: dataStore = new ObjectStore({ objectStore: myStore }),
                structure: [
                    { name: "Event", field: "name", width: "200px" }
            }, "grid3");

For the beginning I use a hardcoded base64 authorization which should work for my backend service. 首先,我使用硬编码的base64授权,该授权适用于我的后端服务。 With the getRequest method I initialize my service "workaround" with which my jsonreststore can handle the authorization. 使用getRequest方法,我初始化我的服务“变通方法”,我的jsonreststore可以使用它来处理授权。

In firebug (Chrome) I get the following errors: 在firebug(Chrome)中,我收到以下错误:

ErrorCtor {stack: "Error: Unable to load http://myworkingapiwithevents/ev... p://localhost:52894/Scripts/dojo/dojo.js:1094:43)", message: "Unable to load http://myworkingapiwithevents/events status: 0", response: Object, status: 0, responseText: ""…}

Error {popStackFrame: function} "Error: Unable to load SMD from http://myworkingapiwithevents/events

Could it be some cross domain issue? 可能是一些跨域问题? I know that my backendservice supports cross domain. 我知道我的后端服务支持跨域。

You don't need to use dojo/rpc/JsonService. 您不需要使用dojo / rpc / JsonService。 Try this instead : 试试这个:

require(["dojo/store/JsonRest", "dojox/grid/DataGrid", "dojo/data/ObjectStore", "dojo/domReady!"], function (JsonRest, DataGrid, ObjectStore) {
        var restStore = new JsonRest({
            target : 'http://myworkingapiwithevents/events',
            headers: {'Authorization': 'Basic HriB5jsHUib2K='}
        var dataStore = new ObjectStore({ objectStore : restStore });
        grid = new DataGrid({
            store: dataStore,
            structure: [
                { name: "Event", field: "name", width: "200px" }
        }, "grid3");

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