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[英]Calling a method from JFrame from another class

I am currently making a terrain generator, everything works fine in one class but I am going to be expanding my application. 我目前正在制作地形生成器,在一堂课上一切正常,但是我将扩展我的应用程序。

Currently I have a JFrame class which holds everything, generating the terrain, painting the terrain, finding locations etc. 目前,我有一个JFrame类,其中包含所有内容,生成地形,绘制地形,查找位置等。

I want to add another class that will generate the terrain but when I create this class I need to access fields from the main JFrame class and when I do I get a stack overflow error - here is my code. 我想添加另一个将生成地形的类,但是当我创建此类时,我需要访问JFrame主类中的字段,并且当我收到堆栈溢出错误时,这是​​我的代码。

public class Simulator extends Applet

public Simulator()
    grid = new int[100][100];
    inhabGrid = new boolean[grid.length][grid.length];
    gridSize = grid.length - 1;
    dist = grid.length;
            TerrainGenerator gen = new TerrainGenerator();

public void paint(Graphics g)   
    //panting the grid

public void seedGrid()


public boolean generateTerrain(int x1,int y1, int x2, int y2) 

    //terrain generator

public boolean mouseUp(Event evt, int x, int y)
    seedGrid(); //Create a new map
    return true;

public boolean keyEvents(Event evt, int x, int y)
    seedGrid(); //Create a new map
    return true;

public void findInhabLocation()
    //find best inhabitant location

public int locateWater(int x, int y)

    //finding closest water

public int locateJungle(int x, int y)
    //finding closest jungle


That works fine in its own class but when I create a class for example: 在自己的类中可以正常工作,但是例如当我创建一个类时:

public class TerrainGenerator 
Simulator sim = new Simulator();

I know this has something to do with the constructor and it's something silly I am doing, what would be the best way of splitting up this app into classes, for example terrain generator, inhabitants etc 我知道这与构造函数有关,并且我在做些愚蠢的事情,这是将这个应用拆分为类的最佳方法,例如地形生成器,居民等

For example I want to be able to call a method from the 'TerrainGenerator' class and call ie terrainGenerator.generateTerrain 例如,我希望能够从“ TerrainGenerator”类中调用一个方法,然后调用ieterrainGenerator.generateTerrain

Your TerrainGenerator creates a Simulator object and vice versa, hence you'll end up with infinitely many objects (but at some point the stack is full and a stack overflow exception is thrown instead...) TerrainGenerator创建一个Simulator对象,反之亦然,因此您最终将获得无限多个对象(但是在某些时候堆栈已满,并且抛出了堆栈溢出异常...)

Instead of creating a new Simulator in your TerrainGenerator , you should pass a reference to your current Simulator (well, actually, that is not a great design either, but I'm not gonna confuse you with the problems of circular references). 而不是在TerrainGenerator中创建新的Simulator ,您应该传递对当前Simulator的引用(嗯,实际上,这也不是一个好的设计,但是我不会将您与循环引用的问题混为一谈)。


Depending which should be the parent, you can pass in the instantiated class to the other, ie; 根据哪个应该是父类,您可以将实例化的类传递给另一个,即;

private final TerrainGenerator gen;  //if you need to save this.
public Simulator(TerrainGenerator terrainGenerator)

  this.gen = terrainGenerator;

public class TerrainGenerator 
Simulator sim = new Simulator(this);

or 要么

private final TerrainGenerator gen;  //if you need to save this.
public Simulator()

  this.gen = new TerrainGenerator(this);

private final Simulator sim; //If you need to save it.
public class TerrainGenerator 
  public TerrainGenerator(Simulator simulator) {
    this.sim = simulator;

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