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在非常基本的程序上,佳能EDSDK在Mac OS 10.7.5上因EXC_BAD_ACCESS崩溃

[英]Canon EDSDK crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS on Mac OS 10.7.5 on a very basic program

I am trying to write a console based application to access a Canon camera on Mac OS X 10.7.5. 我试图编写一个基于控制台的应用程序来访问Mac OS X 10.7.5上的佳能相机。 I am using XCode version 4.6 for the same. 我使用的是XCode 4.6版。 This is the program I am trying to write 这是我正在尝试编写的程序

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "EDSDK.h"
#include "EDSDKErrors.h"
#include "EDSDKTypes.h"

int main()
    @autoreleasepool {
        EdsError error = EDS_ERR_OK;
        EdsCameraListRef cameraList = NULL;
        EdsUInt32 count = 0;
        EdsDeviceInfo deviceInfo;
        bool isSDKLoaded;

        // Initialization of SDK
        error = EdsInitializeSDK();

        //Acquisition of camera list
        if(error == EDS_ERR_OK)
            isSDKLoaded = YES;
            error = EdsGetCameraList(&cameraList);
        if(cameraList != NULL) {
            cameraList = NULL;

    return 0;

It compiles successfully but when I run the program it crashes when the EdsGetCameraList function returns. 它可以成功编译,但是当我运行程序时,当EdsGetCameraList函数返回时,它会崩溃。 The error shown is 'dyld misaligned_stack_error'. 显示的错误是“ dyld misaligned_stack_error”。 I understand that this has something to do with the fact that MacOS X wants the stack to be 16-byte aligned. 我知道这与MacOS X希望堆栈以16字节对齐的事实有关。 The SDK I am using is only available for 32 bit architectures and hence, I have set the architecture accordingly. 我使用的SDK仅适用于32位体系结构,因此,我已相应地设置了体系结构。 I tried setting the "Other C flags" under Build Settings in XCode to include the flag "-falign-stack=assume-16-byte" as well. 我尝试在XCode的“构建设置”下设置“其他C标志”,使其也包含标志“ -falign-stack = assume-16-byte”。

The sample that came along with the Canon EDSDK works fine. 佳能EDSDK随附的示例工作正常。 The version of the SDK being used is the one developed by Canon in 2006-2007 updated on 06-03-16. 使用的SDK版本是佳能在2006-2007年开发的版本,更新于06-03-16。 I have no other version information on it. 我没有其他版本信息。

Following is the dump from the logs : http://pastebin.com/vfDWeZnr 以下是日志中的转储: http : //pastebin.com/vfDWeZnr

What could I be possibly doing wrong? 我可能做错了什么?

I am really new to Objective-C and hence, the mix up of C and Objective-C code. 我对Objective-C真的很陌生,因此,我将C和Objective-C代码混在一起。

Thanks! 谢谢!

Are you sure that you don't need to initialize cameraList ? 您确定不需要初始化cameraList吗? I imagine that the function wants to write to the address you supply but that points to NULL , hence the error. 我想像该函数想要写入您提供的地址,但是它指向NULL ,因此出错。 In C I'd use malloc() here to obtain a pointer but I don't know the equivalent for objective-C. 在C语言中,我将在这里使用malloc()获得一个指针,但我不知道Objective-C的等效语言。

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