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[英]Binding collection of viewmodel to tabcontrol with datatemplate

I am facing problem with tab control binding to collection of view models similar as in this post 我在将标签控件绑定到类似于本文的视图模型的集合时遇到了问题

  <ViewModel:MainViewModel x:Key="MainViewModel" />
  <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:Foo1}">
    <local:UserControl1 />
  <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:Foo2}">
    <local:UserControl2 />
  <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:Foo3}">
    <local:UserControl3 />
<igDock:XamDockManager x:Name="dm">
          <local:Foo />
  <igDock:XamDockManager x:Name="dockManager">
    <igDock:TabGroupPane DataContext="{StaticResource ResourceKey=MainViewModel}"
                         SelectedIndex="{Binding SelectedTabIndex}">
        <igExtensions:ContentPaneFactory ItemsSource="{Binding TabCollection}"
                                         ContentPath="." />

But as mentioned in the above article, i see that the viewmodel are getting constructed twice. 但是正如上面的文章中提到的,我看到viewmodel被构造了两次。 First in MainViewModel when I try to populate the observable tab collection and once when I try to navigate to the tabitem. 当我尝试填充可观察的选项卡集合时,首先是在MainViewModel中,而当我尝试导航到Tabitem时,第一次。

How can I avoid this?. 如何避免这种情况?

I believe that this question is already answered in the Infragistics's forum thread that you have linked. 我相信这个问题已经在您链接的Infragistics的论坛主题中得到解答。

If you have further questions I can suggest you ask them in the IG forums, since you can get an answer from an IG expert. 如果您还有其他问题,我建议您在IG论坛中提问,因为您可以从IG专家那里得到答案。

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