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与Oracle SQL中的日期比较

[英]Comparing with date in Oracle sql

I have a column 'creation_date' which is of type 'date' , when I am querying my table for distinct records based on 'creation_date' I am getting 6 records: 我有一个列'creation_date' ,其类型为'date' ,当我基于'creation_date'查询表中的不同记录时,我得到了6条记录:

select distinct creation_date from test_table;

output: 输出:


In this output 6th April is displayed 4 times even when I used distinct in my query. 在此输出中,即使我在查询中使用了distinct,4th 6也显示了4次。 Also when I am trying to find out all records which are matching with creation_date of 6th April 2011 I am not getting any results. 另外,当我尝试查找所有与6th April 2011 creation_date匹配的记录时,也没有任何结果。 Below is my query: 以下是我的查询:

select * from  test_table where creation_date = to_date('06-APR-11','DD-MON-YY');

Please help me where I am doing wrong in these two queries. 请帮助我在这两个查询中做错的地方。

The problem is twofold. 问题是双重的。 Firstly the dates almost definitely have time-components. 首先,日期几乎肯定具有时间成分。 to_date('06-MAR-11','DD-MON-YY') is equivalent to 2011/03/06 00:00:00 . to_date('06-MAR-11','DD-MON-YY')等效于2011/03/06 00:00:00 If you use the TRUNC() function you will be able to see everything for that day: 如果使用TRUNC()函数,您将能够看到当天的所有内容:

select * 
  from test_table
 where trunc(creation_date) = to_date('06-MAR-11','DD-MON-YY');

I would not use the MON datetime format model . 不会使用MON datetime格式模型 As I explain here it depends on your region and settings. 正如我在这里说明的这取决于您所在的地区和设置。 It's safer to use a numeric month format model instead. 相反,使用数字月份格式模型更安全。 Equally, always specify century as part of the year. 同样,始终将世纪指定为一年的一部分。

where trunc(creation_date) = to_date('06-03-YY11','DD-MM-YYYY');

Your second problem is almost definitely your NLS_DATE_FORMAT ; 您的第二个问题几乎肯定是您的NLS_DATE_FORMAT it appears to not take into account the time, hence why you see 4 identical dates. 它似乎没有考虑时间,因此为什么您会看到4个相同的日期。 This only governs the manner in which data is displayed not how it is stored. 这仅控制数据的显示方式,而不是数据的存储方式。

You can change this using something like: 您可以使用以下方式更改此设置:


If I set up a test environment using the following: 如果我使用以下方法设置测试环境:

create table test_table ( creation_date date );
insert into test_table values ( sysdate );
insert into test_table values ( sysdate - 0.01 );
alter session set nls_date_format = "YYYY/MM/DD";

You can see the data returned does not include time (though SYSDATE does): 您可以看到返回的数据不包含时间(尽管SYSDATE包含):

SQL> select * from test_table;


Altering the NLS_DATE_FORMAT and performing the same SELECT, you now get a time component: 更改NLS_DATE_FORMAT并执行相同的SELECT,现在您将获得一个时间分量:

SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = "YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS";

Session altered.

SQL> select * from test_table;

2013/04/12 12:48:41
2013/04/12 12:34:17

Lastly, when trying to select today's date alone no rows will be returned: 最后,当尝试仅选择今天的日期时,将不返回任何行:

SQL> select *
  2    from test_table
  3   where creation_date = to_date('20130412','yyyymmdd');

no rows selected

But, when using TRUNC() to compare on only the date portion of the field you get all your rows again: 但是,当使用TRUNC()仅对字段的日期部分进行比较时,您将再次获得所有行:

SQL> select *
  2    from test_table
  3   where trunc(creation_date) = to_date('20130412','yyyymmdd');

2013/04/12 12:48:41
2013/04/12 12:34:17

To actually answer your second question, if you want unique dates you can re-use the TRUNC() function: 要实际回答第二个问题,如果您想要唯一的日期,则可以重新使用TRUNC()函数:

select distinct trunc(creation_date)
  from test_table

The DATE datatype stores the year (including the century), the month, the day, the hours, the minutes, and the seconds (after midnight). DATE数据类型存储年(包括世纪),月,日,小时,分钟和秒(午夜之后)。 You must also consider this. 您还必须考虑这一点。

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