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Poco c ++ Net:Http从响应中获取头文件

[英]Poco c++Net: Http get headers from response

Im using POCO C++ Net libraries for http 我使用POCO C ++ Net库作为http

I want to try make a strategy for persistent caching. 我想尝试为持久缓存制定策略。

First of all I think I need to get expires from the cache headers and cross check with cached values (please tell me if I'm wrong). 首先,我想我需要从缓存标题中过期并使用缓存值进行交叉检查(请告诉我,如果我错了)。

So how can I extract the cache header from httpResponse ? 那么如何从httpResponse提取缓存头?

I've seen that you can do this in Java, ( getFirstHeader() ), but how do I do it in POCO C++? 我已经看到你可以用Java做这个( getFirstHeader() ),但是我怎么用POCO C ++做呢?

Below is an ordinary http GET-request using POCO: 以下是使用POCO的普通http GET请求:

    // prepare session
    URI uri("http://www.google.se");
    HTTPClientSession session(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort());

    // prepare path
    string path(uri.getPathAndQuery());
    if (path.empty()) path = "/";

    // send request
    HTTPRequest req(HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, path, HTTPMessage::HTTP_1_1);

    // get response
    printnet("Get response");

    HTTPResponse res;
    cout << res.getStatus() << " " << res.getReason() << endl;

    // print response
    istream &is = session.receiveResponse(res);
    StreamCopier::copyStream(is, cout);
catch (Exception &ex)
    return -1;
return 0;



In the last try block the following can be added to print out the headers to screen: 在最后一个try块中,可以添加以下内容以打印出标题到屏幕:

cout << "RESPONSE:";
string name;
string value;
NameValueCollection::ConstIterator i = res.begin();

    cout << name << "=" << value << endl << flush;

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