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[英]MySQL & PHP : Multiple Keyword Search

I have a string containing comma separated keywords. 我有一个包含逗号分隔关键字的字符串。 For Example: 例如:

$keywords = 'keyword1, keyword2, keyword3';

My Table schema, named tbl_address is like this ( simplified ) : 我的表模式,名为tbl_address ,就像这样(简化):

id        INT(11)        PRIMARY KEY, AUTO INCREMENT
address   VARCHAR(250)   NOT NULL

Assume I have to use MySQLi in PHP ( not PDO ). 假设我必须在PHP(而不是PDO )中使用MySQLi

Here is my current approach: 这是我目前的做法:

$result = array();
$keyword_tokens = explode(',', $keywords);
foreach($keyword_tokens as $keyword) {
  $keyword = mysqli_real_escape_string(trim($keyword));
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_address WHERE address LIKE'%$keyword%'";
  // query and collect the result to $result
  // before inserting to $result, check if the id exists in $result.
  // if yes, skip.
return $result;

This approach works, but inefficient in performance. 这种方法有效,但性能效率低下。 If there are a lot of keywords, it will make a lot queries. 如果有很多关键字,它会产生很多查询。

My question is, is there a better way to achieve the same goal ? 我的问题是,有没有更好的方法来实现同一目标? ie what is the simplest way to return all records with the address containing the ANY of the keywords ? 即,使用包含任意关键字的地址返回所有记录的最简单方法是什么?

A simple REGEXP might be what you're after. 一个简单的REGEXP可能就是你所追求的。 You'd have to check how efficient it is for yourself. 你必须检查它对你自己的效率。

SELECT * FROM tbl_address WHERE field REGEXP 'keyword1|keyword2|keyword3';

 SELECT * FROM user;
 | user_id | username |
 |     101 | Adam     |
 |     102 | Ben      |
 |     103 | Charlie  |
 |     104 | Dave     |

   FROM user 
  WHERE FIND_IN_SET(username,'adam,ben,dave') > 0;
 | user_id | username |
 |     101 | Adam     |
 |     102 | Ben      |
 |     104 | Dave     |

You only need an 'OR', nothing else... 你只需要一个'或',别的......


$result = array();
$keyword_tokens = explode(',', $keywords);
$keyword_tokens = array_map('mysqli_real_escape_string', $keyword_tokens);

$sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_address WHERE address LIKE'%";
$sql .= implode("%' or address LIKE '%", $keyword_tokens) . "'";

// query and collect the result to $result
// before inserting to $result, check if the id exists in $result.
// if yes, skip.

return $result;

edit: Just to be sure you also trim the keywords 编辑:只是为了确保你还修剪关键字


$result = array();
$keyword_tokens = explode(',', $keywords);
$keyword_tokens = array_map(
    function($keyword) {
        return mysqli_real_escape_string(trim($keyword));

$sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_address WHERE address LIKE'%";
$sql .= implode("%' OR address LIKE '%", $keyword_tokens) . "'";

// query and collect the result to $result
// before inserting to $result, check if the id exists in $result.
// if yes, skip.

return $result;

Also, you should also pass the db resource link to the mysqli_real_escape_string() function... 此外,您还应该将db资源链接传递给mysqli_real_escape_string()函数...

The best way is to use fulltext search. 最好的方法是使用全文搜索。

http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/fulltext-search.html http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/fulltext-search.html

if you don't want to use fulltext you can use OR in your WHERE condition 如果您不想使用全文,则可以在WHERE条件中使用OR

SELECT * FROM tbl_address WHERE address LIKE '%$keyword%' OR adress LIKE '%$keyword2%'

Make single query 进行单一查询

$keywordary = explode(',', $keywords);
foreach($keywordary as $keyword) {
  $keys = trim($keyword);
    $other .=" or address like '%$keys%'";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_address WHERE address LIKE'%$keyword%' $other";

execute query;
return $result;

Try WHERE IN clause: 尝试WHERE IN子句:

$keyword = (array)explode(',', $keywords);
   $keyword[$i]=mysqli_real_escape_string(trim($keyword[$i]),'\'" ');
//This is what I suggest.
$query='SELECT * FROM tbl_address WHERE address IN ("'.implode('","',$keyword).'")';

Successfully tested on MySQL 5.1. 在MySQL 5.1上成功测试。

Best way is just create search string WHERE clause and append it to query and run it once. 最好的方法是创建搜索字符串WHERE子句并将其附加到查询并运行一次。

$result = array();
$keyword_tokens = explode(',', $keywords);
$where = '';$i=0
foreach($keyword_tokens as $keyword) {
  $where.= " address LIKE'%".mysqli_real_escape_string(trim($keyword))."%' OR ";
  // trim last OR with substr_replace
  substr_replace($where, "OR", -1, 1);
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_address WHERE $where";

return $result;

Hi create a query with union and execute in the end of the loop 您好用union创建一个查询并在循环结束时执行

$result = array();
$keyword_tokens = explode(',', $keywords);
$sql = '';
foreach($keyword_tokens as $keyword) {
  $keyword = mysqli_real_escape_string(trim($keyword));
  if (!empty($sql)) $sql .= " UNION "; 
  $sql .= "SELECT * FROM tbl_address WHERE address LIKE'%$keyword%'";
  // query and collect the result to $result
  // before inserting to $result, check if the id exists in $result.
  // if yes, skip.

Execute the query here. 在这里执行查询。

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