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[英]how to configure database for errai project using hibernate

Hi I am creating errai web services.I have to configure Database for this project but tried errai kitchensink but database configuration is not working.Plz suggest solution. 嗨,我正在创建errai Web服务。我必须为此项目配置数据库,但是尝试了errai kitchensink,但是数据库配置不起作用。请提出解决方案。 Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Can you tell: 1.- The web container/app server you are using? 您能否告诉:1.-您正在使用的Web容器/应用服务器?

2.- Where you put your persistence.xml? 2.-将persistence.xml放在哪里?

Please, show: 请展示:

1.-Your persistence.xml configuration. 1.-您的persistence.xml配置。

2.-The xml that configures your database driver. 2-配置您的数据库驱动程序的xml。

3.-Some dao and it's implementation if you can. 3.-一些岛,如果可以的话,它的实现。

4.-Stack trace, if it's the case. 4.-堆栈跟踪,如果是这样。

I'm really curious why you want to involve Errai with the database (via Hibernate ) this much, Errai is a client/server bus , you use it to transport data-back and forth, the db access should be done separately on the server side usually. 我真的很好奇,为什么要这么多地将Errai与数据库(通过Hibernate )一起使用, Errai客户端/服务器总线 ,您可以使用它来回传输数据,因此应该在服务器上单独进行数据库访问通常。 You need to create a DAO for that which will be called by your server side Errai service implementation. 您需要为此创建一个DAO ,该DAO将由您的服务器端Errai服务实现调用。

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