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[英]Strongly typed MVC View Model

I am trying to strongly type my MVC View Model that is rendered as a ASP.NET ASPX page. 我试图强烈键入呈现为ASP.NET ASPX页面的MVC视图模型。 Everything is in one big project. 一切都在一个大项目中。 However, it say it can't find the name space, what am I doing wrong? 但是,它说找不到名称空间,我在做什么错?

Here is the error: 这是错误:

CS0234: The type or namespace name 'MyModel' does not exist in the namespace 
'MyProject.Models' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

Here is my custom Model: 这是我的自定义模型:

namespace MyProject.Models {
    public class MyModel{
        public string companyID { get; set; }
        public MyModel(string companyID){
            this.companyID = companyID;

Here is my Strongly Typed View rendered in ASPX, with the filename MyStronglyTypedView.aspx: 这是我在ASPX中呈现的“强类型视图”,文件名为MyStronglyTypedView.aspx:

<%@ Page Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<MyProject.Models.MyModel>" %>
<%@ import namespace='MyProject.Models' %>
<script runat="server">
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        var curCompany = Model.companyID;

And here is how I am calling the page and passing my model to it (I am calling it on a separate Razor page as a partial): 这就是我调用页面并将模型传递给它的方式(我在一个单独的Razor页面上将其作为部分调用):

@Html.Partial("MyStronglyTypedView",new MyProject.Models.MyModel("1"))

The error you are experiencing occurs because of incorrect Page directive Inherits attribute value. 由于错误的Page指令Inherits attribute值而发生您遇到的错误。 Directives are part of the ASP.NET markup and thus are not language-specific. 指令是ASP.NET标记的一部分,因此不是特定于语言的。 For example 例如


is how you specify generic type in C#, but say in VB.NET it would be 是在C#中指定通用类型的方法,但是在VB.NET中会这样

System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage(of MyProject.Models.MyModel)

All in all, types here should be specified in CLR notation. 总而言之,此处的类型应以CLR表示法指定。 In your case it might look something like 您的情况可能看起来像

System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage`1[[MyProject.Models.MyModel, MyProject, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]

This is so called Fully Qualified Type Name. 这就是所谓的完全合格类型名称。 To see this name for a particular type, one can use Type.FullName property: 要查看特定类型的名称,可以使用Type.FullName属性:

Type targetType = typeof(System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<MyProject.Models.MyModel>);
string name = targetType.FullName;

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