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如何显示各个微博的链接? (红宝石在轨道上3)

[英]how to display a link to individual microposts? (ruby on rails 3)

I followed a rails 3 tutorial and I'm trying to get this to work correctly. 我遵循了Rails 3教程,并试图使其正常工作。

All microposts that a user make is listed in http://localhost:3000/users/username 用户创建的所有微博均列在http://localhost:3000/users/username

UsersController UsersController

def show
    @user = User.find(params[:id])
    @microposts = @user.microposts.paginate page: params[:page], :per_page => 15

Each micropost has an ID 每个微博都有一个ID

create_table "microposts", :force => true do |t|
    t.text     "content"
    t.integer  "user_id"
    t.datetime "created_at",                         :null => false
    t.datetime "updated_at",                         :null => false
    t.string   "image"
    t.text     "comment_content"

How can I set it up so that a link such as http://localhost:3000/users/username/micropost_id (if valid) will lead to page that has just that micropost? 如何设置它,以便诸如http://localhost:3000/users/username/micropost_id (如果有效)将导致仅包含该微型帖子的页面?

I want the display to be exactly the same except show up individually on a new page. 我希望显示的内容完全相同,只是单独显示在新页面上。

Users table 用户表

create_table "users", :force => true do |t|
    t.string    "name"
    t.string    "email"
    t.timestamp "created_at",                         :null => false
    t.timestamp "updated_at",                         :null => false
    t.string    "password_digest"
    t.string    "remember_token"

My config routes 我的配置路线

MyApp::Application.routes.draw do
  resources :authentications

resources :microposts, :path => "posts"

root to: 'static_pages#home'


  resources :users do
    member do
      get :following, :followers
  resources :sessions, only: [:new, :create, :destroy]
  resources :microposts, only: [:create, :destroy]
  resources :relationships, only: [:create, :destroy]
  resources :microposts do
  resources :postcomments


  match '/signup',   to: 'users#new'
  match '/signin',   to: 'sessions#new'
  match '/signout',  to: 'sessions#destroy', via: :delete

  match '/post',    to: 'static_pages#post'
  match '/about',   to: 'static_pages#about'
  match '/contact', to: 'static_pages#contact'
  match '/users/:username/:id', to: 'microposts#show', via: :get, as: :user_micropost

You should add a new route to your routes.rb file like the following: 您应该将新路由添加到您的route.rb文件中,如下所示:

match '/users/:username/:id', to 'microposts#show', via: :get, as: :user_micropost

and on the page that shows user's microposts, add the link as: 在显示用户微博的页面上,将链接添加为:

<a href="<%= user_micropost_path(username: @user.username, id: micropost.id) %>">Whatever..</a>

On the microposts controller, add the method show: 在微博控制器上,添加show方法:

def show
  @user = User.find_by_username(params[:username])
  @post = Post.find_by_id(params[:id])
  # handle any errors from the code above

and create under 并根据


the new page that will display the micropost. 新页面将显示微博。

I guess in your routes you have mention something like this 我想在您的路线中您提到过这样的事情

resources :users do
    resources :microposts

In that case you can create a link in your /views/users/show.html.erb , something like this 在这种情况下,您可以在/views/users/show.html.erb中创建一个链接,如下所示

<% @microposts.each do |post|
   <%= link_to truncate(post.content, :length => 10, :separator => '...'), user_micropost_path(@user, post) %>
<% end %>

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