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[英]Configuring Neo4j on Rails to Deploy with Warbler

How do you configure a Neo4j on Rails app to deploy with Warbler? 如何配置Neo4j on Rails应用程序与Warbler一起部署? As it stands, every time I deploy my app, the previous production instance of neo4j gets destroyed, because neo4j is embedded. 就目前而言,每次我部署应用程序时,由于neo4j是嵌入式的,因此之前的neo4j生产实例被破坏了。 I was hoping that there would be some kind of configuration for production, either through Warbler or through neo4j, so that once a neo4j instance is created on the server it is not replaced with the next deployment. 我希望通过Warbler或neo4j进行某种生产配置,以便一旦在服务器上创建了neo4j实例,就不会用下一个部署替换它。

I guess you could place the neo4j database somewhere persistent outside your volatile codebase and then open Neo4j against eg /var/database ? 我猜您可以将neo4j数据库放置在易失性代码库外部的持久位置,然后针对/ var / database打开Neo4j? In case there are existing files, Neo4j will not replace them. 如果存在现有文件,Neo4j将不会替换它们。

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