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[英]How do I insert data from a CSV file into my database?

I'm trying to upload my txt file into my database but I don't think anything happens. 我正在尝试将txt文件上传到数据库中,但我认为什么也没发生。 I checked my database in phpmyadmin but nothing was inserted. 我在phpmyadmin中检查了数据库,但未插入任何内容。 How do I load and insert my data into mysql database? 如何加载数据并将其插入mysql数据库?

Here's my code: 这是我的代码:

$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "login", "password") or die(mysql_error()); 

mysql_select_db("database", $conn);

    $uploadtxt = "nyccrash.txt";

    $handle= fopen($uploadtxt, "r");

    // error checking.
    if($handle === false) {
   die("Error opening $uploadtxt");

    while($fileop = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",") !== false) { 

    $crash_year = $fileop[0];
    $accident_type = $fileop[1];
    $collision_type = $fileop[2];
    $weather_condition = $fileop[3];
    $light_condition = $fileop[4];
    $x_coordinate = $fileop[5];
    $y_coordinate = $fileop[6];

    $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO nyccrash (crash_year, accident_type, collision_type, weather_condition, light_condition, x_coordinate, y_coordinate) VALUES ($crash_year, $accident_type, $collision_type, $weather_condition, $light_condition, $x_coordinate, $y_coordinate)"); 

    } } 

?> ?>

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title> NYC Crash Data </title> 
<link ref="stylesheet" type "text/css" href="../style/style.css" /> 

<div id="mainWrapper"> 

    <form method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data"> 
        <input type="file" name="file"/>
        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"/> 


If this is text data then you forgot ' around data 如果这是文本数据,则您忘记了'数据”

$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO nyccrash (crash_year, accident_type, 
collision_type, weather_condition, light_condition, x_coordinate, y_coordinate) 
VALUES ('$crash_year', '$accident_type', '$collision_type', 
'$weather_condition', '$light_condition', '$x_coordinate', '$y_coordinate')"); 

Here's how to parameterise SQL statements with untrusted input. 这是如何使用不受信任的输入来参数化SQL语句。

$stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO nyccrash (crash_year, accident_type, 
  collision_type, weather_condition, light_condition, x_coordinate, y_coordinate) 
  VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
$stmt->bind_param('sssssss', $crash_year, ...);

See http://codular.com/php-mysqli for more info on this. 有关更多信息,请参见http://codular.com/php-mysqli

If you don't understand why you should be doing it this way, look up SQL injection, and don't write another line of code until you do understand it. 如果您不明白为什么要采用这种方式,请查找SQL注入,并且在不了解之前不要编写另一行代码。

You can do it with the library of this answer 您可以使用答案库

$csv    =   New CSVReader();
$result =   $csv->parse_file('Test.csv');//path to file should be csv
echo '<pre>';     //
print_R($result); // Only for testing

    foreach($result as $row){
            $crash_year     =   $row['crash_year'];
            $accident_type      =   $row['accident_type'];
            $collision_type =   $row['collision_type'];
            $weather_condition  =   $row['weather_condition'];
            $light_condition    =   $row['light_condition'];
            $x_coordinate       =   $row['x_coordinate'];
            $y_coordinate       =   $row['y_coordinate'];

            $query  =   "INSERT INTO nyccrash";
            $query  .=  "(crash_year, accident_type, collision_type, weather_condition, light_condition, x_coordinate, y_coordinate)";
            $query  .=  " VALUES ";
            $query  .=  "('$crash_year','$accident_type','$collision_type', '$weather_condition', '$light_condition', '$x_coordinate', '$y_coordinate')";   

One thing i noticed that in the insert query you must have some varchar fields in your database table and for that you are missing commas. 我注意到一件事,在插入查询中,数据库表中必须有一些varchar字段,因此缺少逗号。 Wrap the varchar fields with commas. 用逗号将varchar字段换行。 This might be the problem and use die and mysql_error to see what the error really is. 这可能是问题所在,请使用die和mysql_error查看错误的真正含义。

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