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[英]window.getselection() not working in FF and chrome

I have texbox in my page and I am trying to get the length from the textbox. 我的页面中有texbox,我正在尝试从文本框中获取长度。 I know how to get the length in IE, but the following code is not working in FF and chrome. 我知道如何在IE中获取长度,但是以下代码在FF和chrome中不起作用。

<!DOCTYPE html>
function myFunction(obj)
alert("mouse up");
var r=window.getSelection().createRange();


<textarea id="myArea" cols="30" spellcheck="false" onmouseup=myFunction(this)>Select some text within this field.</textarea>


Textareas and text inputs have a different selection API from the main document selection. 文本区域和文本输入具有与主文档选择不同的选择API。 Use selectionStart and selectionEnd properties of the textarea/input. 使用文本区域/输入的selectionStartselectionEnd属性。

function myFunction(obj) {
    var selectedText = obj.value.slice(obj.selectionStart, obj.selectionEnd);

If you need support for IE <= 8, there is a different API again. 如果您需要IE <= 8的支持,请再次使用其他API。 See Caret position in textarea, in characters from the start 从头开始查看字符在文本区域中的插入位置

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