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对于IOS Phonegap应用,可以包含非该应用本地的javascript文件吗

[英]For a IOS Phonegap App, is it okay to include javascript files not local to the app

I'm using Phonegap, developing for IOS. 我正在使用Phonegap,是为IOS开发的。 The documentation stated something about not being allowed to upload new Code to an app. 该文档说明了有关不允许将新代码上传到应用程序的信息。 Does Apple allow us to do the following: Apple是否允许我们执行以下操作:

  <script src='http://www.myurlserver.com/dir/dir/myfiles.js'></script>

And is it okay to hotlink images from my server as well? 还可以从服务器热链接图像吗?

I just want to make sure my app doesn't get rejected. 我只想确保我的应用程序不会被拒绝。 This would allow me to push new javascript code like bug fixes and new content, without waiting 7 days for the apple review process. 这样一来,我就可以推送新的JavaScript代码(例如错误修复和新内容),而无需等待7天的苹果审查过程。

You can indeed hotlink images from your server. 您确实可以从服务器热链接图像。 Apple doesn't have issues with that. 苹果对此没有问题。 You can go ahead and do it! 您可以继续做!

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