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[英]How To Produce Multidimensional Array From While Loop?

I have this function : 我有这个功能:

function userKids(mysqli $Con, $Parent) {
    $stmt = $Con->prepare('SELECT KidsName, KidsAge, KidsGender FROM Kids WHERE Parent = ?');
    $stmt->bind_param('s', $Username);

    $Kid = null;
    $Kids = array();
    $stmt->bind_result($Kid, $KidsAge, $KidsGender);
    while($stmt->fetch()) {
        $Kids[] = $Kid;
    return $Kids;

currently my WHILE loop produce array like this : 目前我的WHILE循环产生这样的数组:

Array ( [0] => john [1] => jane )

Now, how to produce multidimensional array so I can get the Age and Gender as well, like this : 现在,如何生成多维数组,以便我也可以获取年龄和性别,如下所示:

[john] => Array
  [0] => 3
  [1] => male
[jane] => Array
  [0] => 2
  [1] => female

Change the line: 更改行:

$Kids[] = $Kid;

To: 至:

$Kids[$Kid] = array($KidsAge, $KidsGender);

I recommend that you use an associative array for the second dimension as well. 我建议您也对第二维使用关联数组。 So: 所以:

$Kids[$Kid] = array('age' => $KidsAge, 'gender' => $KidsGender);

replace the end of your code by: 将代码结尾替换为:

$stmt->bind_result($KidName, $KidAge, $KidGender);
while($stmt->fetch()) {
    $Kids[$KidName] = array($KidAge,$KidGender);
return $Kids;

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