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[英]Errors in the code such as 'variable' was not declared in this scope

I need help, I'm trying to make a program that calculates the net pay of some person by taking in a few variables which in this case i have just made constants for speed. 我需要帮助,我正在尝试制作一个程序,通过吸收一些变量来计算某人的净工资,在这种情况下,我只是为速度设置了常数。

These variables are: Name Mary, Hours worked (35), Hourly rate (10.50), Gross wage (367.50), Tax (@20%=73.50) ,PRSI (@2.5% =9.19) and Union dues (3.50). 这些变量是:Mary姓名,工作时间(35),小时工资(10.50),工资总额(367.50),税金(@ 20%= 73.50),PRSI(@ 2.5%= 9.19)和工会会费(3.50)。

These all get calculated to find the net pay. 这些都经过计算得出净工资。

I thought this would be easy but I can't understand where I went wrong, my code is: 我以为这很容易,但是我不明白哪里出了问题,我的代码是:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

double net_pay (double hours, double gpay, double hrate, double dues,double tax, double taxr,double prsir,double prsi);

int main()

    string name;
    const double hrate = 10.50;
    const double taxr = .2;
    const double prsir = .025;
    const double dues = 3.50;
    const int hours = 35;
    cout << "enter name";
    cin >> name;

    net_pay ( hours,  gpay,  hrate, dues, taxr, tax, prsi, prsir);
    cout << name;
    cout << net_pay;

return 0;

double net_pay (double hours, double gpay, double hrate , double dues , double taxr, double tax , double prsi , double prsir) {

    gpay = hours * hrate;
    tax = gpay * taxr;
    prsi = prsir * gpay;
    return net_pay = gpay - (tax+prsi+dues);


//taxr = taxrate....prsir = prsirate....gpay = grosspay

Your return variable net_pay is the name of your function. 返回变量net_pay是函数的名称。 Simply do : 只需:

double net_pay (double hours, double gpay, double hrate , double dues , double taxr, double tax , double prsi , double prsir) {

    gpay = hours * hrate;
    tax = gpay * taxr;
    prsi = prsir * gpay;
    return gpay - (tax+prsi+dues);


And its not declared in your main : 并且它没有在您的main中声明:

int main()

string name;
const double hrate = 10.50;
const double taxr = .2;
const double prsir = .025;
const double dues = 3.50;
const int hours = 35;
cout << "enter name";
cin >> name;

double n_pay_var = net_pay ( hours,  gpay,  hrate, dues, taxr, tax, prsi, prsir);
cout << name;
cout << net_pay_var;

return 0;

You dont have all your variables declared in your main for the net_pay() function call too : gpay, tax and prsi. 您也没有在net_pay()函数调用的主程序中声明所有变量: gpay, tax and prsi.

So : 因此:

int main()

string name;
const double hrate = 10.50;
const double taxr = .2;
const double prsir = .025;
const double dues = 3.50;
const int hours = 35;
cout << "enter name";
cin >> name;

double tax ;//SET IT
double gpay;//SET IT
double prsi;//SET IT

cout << name;
cout << net_pay ( hours,  gpay,  hrate, dues, taxr, tax, prsi, prsir);

return 0;

double net_pay (double hours, double gpay, double hrate , double dues , double taxr, double tax , double prsi , double prsir) {

gpay = hours * hrate;
tax = gpay * taxr;
prsi = prsir * gpay;
return gpay - (tax+prsi+dues);


You're calling the function with arguments which are not defined: 您正在使用未定义的参数调用该函数:

net_pay ( hours,  gpay,  hrate, dues, taxr, tax, prsi, prsir); // No no!
                  ^^^^                      ^^^  ^^^^

Those are not defined in the main. 那些没有在主要定义。 Try to define gpay , tax and prsi before calling net_pay . 尝试定义gpaytax以及prsi之前调用net_pay

And when returning a value, you don't need set it to that function: 当返回一个值时,您无需将其设置为该函数:

return net_pay = gpay - (tax+prsi+dues);  // No no!

Just 只是

return gpay - (tax+prsi+dues);

In addition, store the result of net_pay in a variable: 另外,将net_pay的结果存储在变量中:

double r = net_pay(hours,  gpay,  hrate, dues, taxr, tax, prsi, prsir);

cout << name;
cout << r;
cout << endl;

I think this statement it's the error occurs. 我认为这句话是发生错误的。

return net_pay = gpay - (tax+prsi+dues);

the net_pay is a method name not a variable, so change it like bellow: net_pay是方法名而不是变量,因此请像下面这样更改它:

return gpay - (tax+prsi+dues);

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