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使用JOIN和GROUP BY优化的MySQL查询。 可能吗?

[英]MySQL query with JOIN and GROUP BY optimization. Is it possible?

I have two tables: gpnxuser and key_value 我有两个表:gpnxuser和key_value

mysql> describe gpnxuser;
| Field        | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id           | bigint(20)   | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| version      | bigint(20)   | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| email        | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| uuid         | varchar(255) | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |
| partner_id   | bigint(20)   | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |
| password     | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| date_created | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| last_updated | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |


mysql> describe key_value;
| Field          | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id             | bigint(20)   | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| version        | bigint(20)   | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| date_created   | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| last_updated   | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| upkey          | varchar(255) | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |
| user_id        | bigint(20)   | YES  | MUL | NULL    |                |
| security_level | int(11)      | NO   |     | NULL    |                |

key_value.user_id is FK that references gpnxuser.id. key_value.user_id是引用gpnxuser.id的FK。 I also have an index in gpnxuser.partner_id which is a FK that references a table called "partner" (which, I think, does not matter much to this question). 我在gpnxuser.partner_id中也有一个索引,它是一个引用名为“partner”的表的FK(我认为这对这个问题并不重要)。

For partner_id = 64, I have 500K rows in gpnxuser which have relationship with approximatelly 6M rows in key_value. 对于partner_id = 64,我在gpnxuser中有500K行,它与key_value中的大约6M行有关。

I wanted to have a query that returned all distinct 'key_value.upkey' for user´s belonging to a given partner. 我希望有一个查询返回属于给定合作伙伴的用户的所有不同的'key_value.upkey'。 I did something like this: 我做了这样的事情:

select upkey from gpnxuser join key_value on gpnxuser.id=key_value.user_id where partner_id=64 group by upkey;

which takes forever to run. 这需要永远运行。 The explain for the query looks like: 查询的解释如下:

mysql> explain select upkey from gpnxuser join key_value on gpnxuser.id=key_value.user_id where partner_id=64 group by upkey;

    | id | select_type | table     | type | possible_keys              | key                | key_len | ref                         | rows   | Extra                                        |
    |  1 | SIMPLE      | gpnxuser  | ref  | PRIMARY,FKB2D9FEBE725C505E | FKB2D9FEBE725C505E | 8       | const                       | 259640 | Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
    |  1 | SIMPLE      | key_value | ref  | FK9E0C0F912D11F5A9         | FK9E0C0F912D11F5A9 | 9       | gpnx_finance_db.gpnxuser.id |     14 | Using where                                  |

My question is: is there a query that can run fast and obtain the result that I want? 我的问题是:是否有一个可以快速运行并获得我想要的结果的查询?

what you need to do is utilize EXISTS statement: This will cause only partial table scan until a match found and not more. 您需要做的是使用EXISTS语句:这将导致仅部分表扫描,直到找到匹配,而不是更多。

select upkey from (select distinct upkey from key_value) upk 
where EXISTS 
    (select 1 from gpnxuser u, key_value kv 
     where u.id=kv.user_id and partner_id=1 and kv.upkey = upk.upkey)

NB. NB。 In the original query, group by is misused: distinct looks better there. 在原始查询中, group by被滥用: distinct在那里看起来更好。

select DISTINCT upkey from gpnxuser join key_value on 
gpnxuser.id=key_value.user_id where partner_id=1

I would look into partitioning your key_value table on user_id , if you typically run queries based on this column. 如果您通常基于此列运行查询,我会考虑在user_id上对key_value表进行分区。

http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/partitioning.html http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/partitioning.html

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