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[英]Excel Add-in: How to remove macro hotkey

How do I remove the hotkey from a macro which does NOT appear in Tools > Macro > Macros? 如何从没有出现在“工具”>“宏”>“宏”中的宏中删除热键?

I installed an add-in and Excel has automatically assigned the hotkey "CTRL+U" to it. 我安装了一个加载项,并且Excel已自动为其分配了热键“ CTRL + U”。 I want Ctrl+U to retain its original function, underlining text in a cell. 我希望Ctrl + U保留其原始功能,在单元格中加下划线。

Please note that the add-in (.xla) is run from the Excel menu bar -- it is NOT visible from Tools > Macros > Macros, so there is no way to alter the hotkey from Tools > Macros > Macros > Options. 请注意,加载项(.xla)是从Excel菜单栏中运行的-在“工具”>“宏”>“宏”中看不到,因此无法从“工具”>“宏”>“宏”>“选项”更改热键。

I use this add-in in various versions of Excel, so if the instructions vary by version, please let me know. 我在各种版本的Excel中都使用了此加载项,因此,如果说明因版本而异,请告诉我。

Thank you! 谢谢!

Additional info: The add-in (I wrote it) does not set a shortcut key. 附加信息:加载项(我写的)未设置快捷键。 It is being assigned unilaterally by Excel. 它是由Excel单方面分配的。

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
  Set XLApp = New clsExcelEvents  ' start monitoring events
  Set SC = New clsStatementConverter  ' initialize some variables
  If CountVisibleWorkbooks > 0 Then
     Call SetMenuOptions  ' update the menu bar
  End If  
End Sub

SetMenuOptions(): SetMenuOptions():

Public Sub SetMenuOptions(Optional IsDisableOptions As Boolean = False)
' Set the enabled/disabled status of the "Convert to QB" menu options
' If config files exist in the same directory as the current workbook,
'   enable the menu options. Otherwise, disable.
' To force the sub-menu to be disabled (last visible workbook is
'   being closed), set IsDisableOptions to True
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
Dim blnEnableOptions As Boolean
' Default to menu options not enabled
blnEnableOptions = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Is a visible workbook open?
If (Not IsDisableOptions) And (Not ActiveWorkbook Is Nothing) Then
  ' Yes, there is an active workbook. Are any of my config files in
  ' the same directory as this workbook?
  Dim aryFiles() As String
  aryFiles = GetListOfConfigFiles(ActiveWorkbook.Path)
  ' Are there any files? (is the array initialized?)
  If IsInitializedArray(aryFiles) Then
    If (UBound(aryFiles) > 0) Then
      ' Yes, there is at least one config file
      blnEnableOptions = True
    End If
  End If
End If
' If disable: set all options to disabled, except for the "About..."
' If enable: (1) set all _installed_ converters to enabled (if a converter
'                has not been installed, don't enable it)
'            (2) enable all other menu options
'            (3) rebuild the list of config files
Dim cbcMenu As CommandBar
Dim cbcConverterMenu As CommandBarControl
Dim cbcViewConfigMenu As CommandBarControl
Dim cbcControl As CommandBarControl
Dim blnMenuIsInstalled As Boolean
Set cbcMenu = Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar")
' Is the Converter menu installed?
' This Sub is called after the menu is deleted (when the add-in is uninstalled), so
' trap for the menu not existing before enabling/disabling the sub-menu options, below
blnMenuIsInstalled = False
For Each cbcControl In cbcMenu.Controls
  If cbcControl.Caption = "&Convert to QB" Then
    blnMenuIsInstalled = True
  End If
If blnMenuIsInstalled Then
  Set cbcConverterMenu = cbcMenu.Controls("&Convert to QB")
  Set cbcViewConfigMenu = cbcConverterMenu.Controls("View config...")
  ' Step 1: Disable/Enable the controls for this menu
  '   If Disable, then disable all controls except "About"
  '   If Enable, then enable all controls for which converters are installed
  For Each cbcControl In cbcConverterMenu.Controls
    ' Keep "About" enabled
    If cbcControl.Caption <> "About..." Then
      cbcControl.Enabled = blnEnableOptions
    End If
  ' Step 2: Rebuild the list of config files
  If blnEnableOptions Then
    ' If a system configuration file exists in the ActiveWorkbook directory, read it
    SC.ConfigFilePath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator
    ' Test for the system config filename
    SC.SystemConfigFilename = GetConfigFilename(SC, True)
    ' Was a system config file found?
    If SC.SystemConfigFilename <> "" Then
      ' Yes, get user settings from the config file
      Call GetConfigSettings(SC.ConfigFilePath, SC.SystemConfigFilename)
    End If
    ' Delete the existing menu options to view config files
    For Each cbcControl In cbcViewConfigMenu.Controls
    ' Add a menu option to view for each config file
    Dim lCtr As Long, strMenuItem As String
    For lCtr = 1 To UBound(aryFiles)
      strMenuItem = aryFiles(lCtr)
      With cbcViewConfigMenu
        .Controls.Add(type:=msoControlButton).Caption = strMenuItem
        .Controls(strMenuItem).OnAction = "'ThisWorkbook.ViewTextFile """ & strMenuItem & """'"
      End With
  End If
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
GoTo Exit_Handler

  MsgBox Err.Number, "SetMenuOptions", Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
  GoTo Exit_Handler

  Exit Sub

End Sub

Click File > Options > Customize Ribbon then follow these instructions for the addition or removal or shortcuts: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/customize-keyboard-shortcuts-9a92343e-a781-4d5a-92f1-0f32e3ba5b4d 单击文件>选项>自定义功能区,然后按照以下说明进行添加或删除或快捷方式: https : //support.office.com/zh-cn/article/customize-keyboard-shortcuts-9a92343e-a781-4d5a-92f1-0f32e3ba5b4d

If you created a ribbon the shortcuts should show up under the Customize Ribbon tab. 如果创建了功能区,则快捷方式应显示在“自定义功能区”选项卡下。 If all else fail you could always reassign the original shortcut to something else as well as to not to collide with the new Excel shortcut assignment. 如果所有其他方法均失败,则可以始终将原始快捷方式重新分配给其他内容,并且不与新的Excel快捷方式分配冲突。

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