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[英]How can I use GreaseMonkey to give the browser back the “/” key?

Lots of web pages seem to use the / key for searching. 很多网页似乎都使用/键进行搜索。 I'd like to disable that because 100% of the time I want to use / to search in the page in FireFox. 我想禁用它,因为100%的时间我想使用/在FireFox页面中搜索。 Is there a way I can override this behavior with GreaseMonkey or dotjs? 有没有办法可以用GreaseMonkey或dotjs覆盖这种行为?

The best public example of this is https://www.github.com/ , also https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Issue+Tracking 最好的公开示例是https://www.github.com/ ,也是https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Issue+Tracking

  • If you set addEventListener() Doc on window and use "event capture", you will catch 99% of what the page tries to do. 如果在window上设置addEventListener() Doc并使用“事件捕获”,则将捕获页面尝试执行的99%。 (Not counting plugins like Flash) (不包括像Flash这样的插件)

  • You can't be sure if the page fires off of keydown , keyup , keypress , or some combination, so intercept keydown (the typical event used) and keyup . 您无法确定该页面是否触发了keydownkeyupkeypress或某些组合,因此拦截了keydown (使用的典型事件)和keyup But, if the page fires off of keypress , then blocking the event may require this kind of technique . 但是,如果页面触发了keypress ,那么阻止该事件可能需要这种技术 This is because the keypress event, on <body> , bubbles up to trigger Firefox's in-page search, but there is no way to (re)trigger that search from javascript (for security). 这是因为<body>上的keypress事件会触发Firefox的页内搜索,但是没有办法(重新)触发javascript中的搜索(为了安全起见)。

    Fortunately, your two sample sites do not require any drastic measures. 幸运的是,您的两个示例站点不需要任何严厉的措施。

  • Event constants, like DOM_VK_SLASH are great, but they are still pretty much Firefox-only. DOM_VK_SLASH这样的事件常量很棒,但它们仍然只有Firefox。 From this question's tags (dotjs), it is not clear if you mean for this to work on Chrome, too. 从这个问题的标签(dotjs),你不清楚你是否也想在Chrome上工作。

Putting it all together, this complete script works: 总而言之,这个完整的脚本有效:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        _Nuke the forward slash on select pages
// @include     https://github.com/*
// @include     https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/*
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
/*- The @grant directive is needed to work around a design change
    introduced in GM 1.0.   It restores the sandbox.

//-- "true" tells the listener to use capture mode.
window.addEventListener ('keydown',  blockSlashKey, true);
window.addEventListener ('keyup',    blockSlashKey, true);
/*-- Don't block keypress on window or body, this blocks the default
    page-search, too.
window.addEventListener ('keypress', blockSlashKey, true);

function blockSlashKey (zEvent) {
    var FORWARD_SLASH   = 191;  // For keydown and keyup
    var ASCII_SLASH     = 47;   // For keypress

    if (    zEvent.which === FORWARD_SLASH
        || (zEvent.which === ASCII_SLASH  &&  zEvent.type == "keypress")
    ) {

Note: This script seems to work well on the two sites you listed, in both Chrome and Firefox. 注意:此脚本似乎适用于您列出的两个网站,包括Chrome和Firefox。 And, it will not stop the typing of / into inputs or textareas. 并且,它不会停止输入/输入或textareas。 But, there is a tiny chance that it might cause some sites to not fire other events on the / key. 但是,它很可能会导致某些网站无法触发/ key上的其他事件。

If that happens, then use checks like zEvent.target.nodeName == "BODY" to restrict blockSlashKey() 's operation. 如果发生这种情况,那么使用zEvent.target.nodeName == "BODY"类的检查来限制blockSlashKey()的操作。

This Greasemonkey script work on Firefox 这个Greasemonkey脚本适用于Firefox

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Disable slash key on page
// @namespace   test
// @include     https://github.com/*
// @include     https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/*
// @grant       none
// @version     1
// ==/UserScript==

document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
    if (event.keyCode === event.DOM_VK_SLASH) {
}, true);

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