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[英]How can I replace a printed line with a new printed line?

What I am looking to do is replace a print statement with a new print statement. 我想要做的是用新的打印语句替换打印语句。 In layman's terms, I want the console to print Downloading... and then replace it with Downloading...done! 用外行的话来说,我希望控制台打印“正在Downloading... ,然后将其替换为“正在Downloading...done! as soon as the downloading finishes. 下载完成后。 I have tried this answer but it just prints some garbage and then the print statement on a new line. 我已经试过这个答案,但它只是打印一些垃圾,然后在新行上打印print语句。 I am using Python 3. Thanks in advance! 我正在使用Python 3。

use end="" in the first print , default value of end is a new line but you can change it by passing your own value: 在第一张print使用end=""end默认值是一个new line但是您可以通过传递自己的值来更改它:

#your code here

output : 输出


help on print : print帮助:

In [3]: print?
Type:       builtin_function_or_method
String Form:<built-in function print>
Namespace:  Python builtin
print(value, ..., sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout)

Prints the values to a stream, or to sys.stdout by default.
Optional keyword arguments:
file: a file-like object (stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout.
sep:  string inserted between values, default a space.
end:  string appended after the last value, default a newline.

A simple example: 一个简单的例子:

import time
print("Downloading... ", end='')

you can also replace a part of the line printet before using "\\r": 您还可以在使用“ \\ r”之前替换行printet的一部分:

import time
print("Downloading... ", end='')
print("\r.............. done.")

This of course only works as long as you don't print a newline anywhere before the carriage return character. 只要您不在回车符之前的任何地方打印换行符,这当然就有效。

print ("Print this line, and print a newline")
print ("Print this line, but not a newline", end="")

http://www.harshj.com/2008/12/09/the-new-print-function-in-python-3/ http://www.harshj.com/2008/12/09/the-new-print-function-in-python-3/

If you'd like a interactive ... , ie it grows, you could do something like this. 如果您想要一个交互式... ,即它可以扩展,那么您可以执行以下操作。 Just change the conditional in the while with something more fitting, or even use while True and a if and break inside the loop. 只要改变的条件while更多的东西配件,甚至使用while Trueifbreak环内。

>>> import time
>>> def dotdotdot():
...     print("Downloading", end="")
...     a = 0
...     while a < 10:
...         print(".", end="")
...         time.sleep(1)
...         a += 1
...     print("done!")
>>> dotdotdot()

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