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Drupal 7 - 自动发送电子邮件给与新节点相同兴趣的用户

[英]Drupal 7 - Send automatically email to users who have the same interest than in new node

Okay, here's the deal. 好的,这是交易。 My client posts job ads to his website. 我的客户将招聘广告发布到他的网站上。 Applicants can register in his page and choose what kind of jobs they're interested in. If new job ad (new node) includes same interest(s) than a user(applicant) has chosen, email should be sent automatically to the user(applicant). 申请人可以在他的页面中注册并选择他们感兴趣的工作类型。如果新工作广告(新节点)包含的兴趣与用户(申请人)选择的相同,则应将电子邮件自动发送给用户(申请人)。

I am building the site in Drupal 7 and tried to solve this with Rules. 我正在Drupal 7中构建网站,并试图用规则来解决这个问题。 Problem is that I couldn't find a replacement pattern to scope all users, only current user was available. 问题是我找不到替换模式来限制所有用户的范围,只有当前用户可用。 Email should be sent to all users who have the same interest(s) than in new job ad. 电子邮件应发送给与新工作广告相同兴趣的所有用户。

Could someone give some tips? 有人可以提供一些提示吗?

What about using subscription module to achieve this: http://drupal.org/project/subscriptions 如何使用订阅模块来实现这一目标: http//drupal.org/project/subscriptions

You can create different type to taxonomy terms like c, c++, java, testing, iOs etc & ask user to subscribe his interest. 您可以创建不同类型的分类术语,如c,c ++,java,testing,iOs等,并要求用户订阅他的兴趣。

Then on posting a job with x term, all the related users will receive an email. 然后在发布带有x term的作业时,所有相关用户都将收到一封电子邮件。 There are lot of other customization which you can achieve with this module. 您可以使用此模块实现许多其他自定义。

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