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[英]Actionlistener java

For my class I need to use my ActionListener. 对于我的班级,我需要使用ActionListener。 I am having trouble adding my ActionListener to my buttons. 我在将ActionListener添加到按钮时遇到麻烦。 I have to use the word "this" like this.buttons to add my ActionListener but Im having trouble doing that. 我必须像this.buttons这样使用“ this”一词来添加我的ActionListener,但是Im很难做到这一点。 I will get to my actionPerformed method later but my main problem is my ActionListener. 稍后将介绍我的actionPerformed方法,但是我的主要问题是我的ActionListener。

public class TextButtonsHW extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
private JButton[] buttons;  //Do not change
private JTextArea textArea; //Do not change
//Assign values for these constants in the constructor
private final int ENTER;    //Index of Enter button in buttons
private final int SPACE;    //Index of Space button in buttons
private final int CLEAR;    //Index of Clear button in buttons

 * Set up this frame and its contents.
 * @param title Title to appear in JFrame title bar
public TextButtonsHW(String title) {

    super(title); //call parent JFrame constructor to set the title

    buttons = new JButton[] { new JButton("A"), new JButton("B"), new JButton("C"),
                  new JButton("1"), new JButton("2"), new JButton("3"),
                  new JButton("X"), new JButton("Y"), new JButton("Z"),
                  new JButton("Enter"), new JButton("Space"), new JButton("Clear")};

    ENTER = buttons.length-3;
    SPACE = buttons.length-2;
    CLEAR = buttons.length-1;

    textArea = new JTextArea(15, 5);

    this.buttons[0].addActionListener(I dont know what to put right here);

    //TODO: instantiate all JButtons, add them to the buttons array,
    //  and register "this" as the ActionListener for each button.
    //TODO: assign values to ENTER, SPACE, and CLEAR constants to
    //  indicate the indexes of those buttons in the buttons array
    //TODO: create the JTextArea textArea
    //TODO: set its "editable" property to false
    //Create a TextButtonsHWPanel to display the buttons and textArea

    TextButtonsHWPanel mainPanel = new TextButtonsHWPanel(buttons, textArea);

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

    //TODO: update the text of textArea according to which
    //  button generated the ActionEvent.


public static void main(String[] args) {
    final TextButtonsHW f = new TextButtonsHW("Text Buttons");
    f.setLocationRelativeTo(null); //centers frame on screen

} }


Since you have 12 buttons you could also go for a for-loop to add ActionListener to all your buttons ie 由于您有12个按钮,因此您还可以进行for循环以将ActionListener添加到所有按钮,即

for(int i=0; i<12; i++)

Instead of a long code ie 代替长代码,即


Though buttons[0].addActionListener(this); 虽然buttons[0].addActionListener(this); will work well, From design perspective I will suggest to have separate class (may be inner class) which implements ActionListner and pass its object reference to the method. 从设计的角度来看,我会工作的很好。我建议有一个单独的类(可能是内部类),该类实现ActionListner并将其对象引用传递给该方法。

the whole point of Object Oriented programming is to delegate different responsibilities to different Objects(classes), so code becomes more maintainable and reusable. 面向对象编程的重点是将不同的职责委派给不同的对象(类),因此代码变得更加可维护和可重用。

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