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[英]PHP Rapid Deployment

Is there a good, simple solution for PHP "one-click" deployment to a production server? 是否存在将PHP“一键式”部署到生产服务器的好的简单解决方案? And also with a functionality to reverse back if needed. 并且还具有在需要时可以反向返回的功能。

In particular, I am interested in this with regards the PHP code itself. 我尤其对PHP代码本身感兴趣。 But if you know a good solution for MySQL, it is also welcome. 但是,如果您知道MySQL的良好解决方案,也欢迎您。

For deploying easily, we use Capistrano (its a Ruby tool, but deploys anything really) and its great, just need 为了易于部署,我们使用Capistrano(它是一个Ruby工具,但实际上可以部署任何东西),它的强大功能仅需

cap deploy

from the command line (at its simplest) 从命令行(最简单)

If you want something written in PHP I can't name any I'm afraid. 如果您想要用PHP编写的内容,恐怕无法命名。

For MySQL, I guess you would need some kind of migration tool, or build your db changes into SQL files that can be run by your deployment script. 对于MySQL,我想您将需要某种迁移工具,或者将您的数据库更改构建到可由部署脚本运行的SQL文件中。

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