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[英]WCF service as internal and internet exposed on different servers

I have to distribute several applications in 2 servers. 我必须在2台服务器中分发几个应用程序。 Currently both servers have public IPs and they can be accesed across internet requests. 当前,两台服务器都具有公共IP,可以跨Internet请求访问它们。 Both servers are hosting several Web Applications. 两台服务器都托管着多个Web应用程序。 Now, I have to distribute those applications to have the front-end in the server (A) and the back-end in the second (B), so that the server "B" doesn't have public internet conection, all the request must enter by the server "A" first. 现在,我必须分发这些应用程序,使其前端在服务器(A)中,后端在第二服务器(B)中,以便服务器“ B”不具有公共互联网连接,所有请求必须首先由服务器“ A”输入。 I am going to use WCF to separate and communicate the presentation with the program's logic (between those servers). 我将使用WCF分隔演示文稿并与程序的逻辑进行通信(在这些服务器之间)。 That's ok but, the problem is that the server "B" is hosting some public business WCF services consumed by external systems. 没关系,但是问题是服务器“ B”正在托管一些外部系统使用的公共WCF服务。 Those business services need to be accesed directly across internet. 这些业务服务需要直接通过Internet访问。

I have to provide a public service to recieve the calls and another in the server "B" to process the logic and perform database operations. 我必须提供一个公共服务来接收呼叫,并在服务器“ B”中提供另一个服务来处理逻辑并执行数据库操作。

I don´t know what can be the best way to achieve this application distribution. 我不知道什么是实现此应用程序分发的最佳方法。 I am taking create 2 services as the last option. 我将创建2服务作为最后的选择。 I think there must be a better solution like configuration or with infraestructure. 我认为必须有一个更好的解决方案,例如配置或具有基础结构。

I hope you can give some idea to solve my issue. 希望您能提出一些想法解决我的问题。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。 Israel. 以色列。

It means that you go to expose server "B" to internet, right? 这意味着您要将服务器“ B”暴露给Internet,对吗? I'd consider to use 2 endpoints with 2 dif. 我考虑将2个端点与2个dif一起使用。 contracts - 1 for your business services (ssl, certificate . . .?) And second one - for server "A" operations (net.tcp binding, port opened for server "A" only). 合同-1个用于您的业务服务(ssl,证书...),第二个-用于服务器“ A”操作(net.tcp绑定,仅为服务器“ A”打开了端口)。

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