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[英]Custom filter in AngularJS after adding pagination

After implementing the pagination to my ng-repeat listing ( Update pagination in AngularJS after filtering ) 在实现对ng-repeat列表的分页之后(过滤后在AngularJS中更新分页

<li ng-repeat="data in filtered = (list | filter:search) ... >

I now have a problem with my custom filter 我的自定义过滤器现在有问题

<li ng-repeat="data in filtered = (list | filter:search) | customFilter:search ... >

I need this filter to search by multiple languages (select two or more languages). 我需要此过滤器以多种语言搜索(选择两种或多种语言)。 If I you replace data in filtered = (list | filter:search) with data in list , you will see it's working. 如果我将filter =(list | filter:search)中的数据替换为list中的 数据 ,您将看到它正在工作。 But I need filtered for my pagination. 但是我需要对分页进行过滤

jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/StinsonMaster/SuEX6/4/ (based on the fiddle from the previous thread ) jsFiddle: http : //jsfiddle.net/StinsonMaster/SuEX6/4/ (基于上一个线程的小提琴

I would suggest, instead of using an expression in your ng-repeat directive, set the ng-repeat equal to a method on the list's constroller that returns the subset or values you're looking for. 我建议不要在ng-repeat指令中使用表达式,而应将ng-repeat设置为等于列表构造函数上的一种方法,该方法返回您要查找的子集或值。 For example: 例如:

// In your controller

        $scope.filteredList = function() {
           return $filter('filter')($scope.list,{'language':search.language});

// And in your ng-repeat 

        ng-repeat="(key,val) in filteredList()"

Hope this helps! 希望这可以帮助!

I think I misunderstood your original question. 我想我误解了您的原始问题。

I rewrote your custom filter. 我重写了您的自定义过滤器。 It's not exactly objected oriented, but with a little touching up it could be much more extensible. 它不是完全面向对象的,但是稍加修饰它就可以扩展得多。 Basically you just needed something that was more inclusive than the base angular filter. 基本上,您只需要比基本角度过滤器更具包容性的东西。

app.filter("customFilter", function() {
    return function(input, search) {
        if(search && search != undefined) {
            var _toRet = new Array();
            for(var i in search) {
                for(var k in input) {
                    if(search.indexOf(input[k].language) != -1 && _toRet.indexOf(input[k]) == -1) {
            return _toRet;
        } else {
            return input;

Also please note the changes to your ngRepeat syntax. 另外,请注意对ngRepeat语法的更改。

ng-repeat="data in filtered = list | filter:search.name | customFilter:search.language | startFrom:(currentPage-1)*entryLimit | limitTo:entryLimit"

http://jsfiddle.net/doublekid/5Bs3h/ http://jsfiddle.net/doublekid/5Bs3h/

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