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[英]stacking character vectors in R

I have two factor variables in a data frame and the end goal is to combine both columns to find a list of the unique factors of both the columns combined (some of the factors in variable one are repeated in variable two). 我在数据框中有两个因子变量,最终目标是合并两个列,以找到合并的两个列的唯一因子的列表(变量一中的某些因子在变量二中重复)。 To do this I need a vector of length 2n to perform the 'unique' function on (stacked vector in code below). 为此,我需要一个长度为2n的矢量来执行“唯一”功能(下面代码中的堆叠矢量)。 However I am having problems combining these two vectors using the 'stack' function. 但是,我在使用“堆栈”功能组合这两个向量时遇到问题。

x<-rep(c("a","b", "c"), each=3)
y<-rep(c("a","b", "z"), each=3)

I don't understand the error message I am getting on the 2nd last line. 我不明白我在第二行的错误消息。 I know this must be something so simple but I just can't see it! 我知道这一定很简单,但我看不到! If anyone knows or has a more elegant way of solving this problem please reply! 如果有人知道或有更优雅的解决方法,请回复!

The answer lies in the help file at ?stack 答案在于?stack的帮助文件中

 Note that ‘stack’ applies to _vectors_ (as determined by
 ‘is.vector’): non-vector columns (e.g., factors) will be ignored
 (with a warning as from R 2.15.0).  

> is.vector(factor("a"))

Try: 尝试:

stacked <- stack(lapply(combined,as.character))

   values ind
1       a   x
2       a   x
3       a   x
4       b   x
5       b   x
6       b   x

..or as @Dwin points out, you could have created combined to be characters instead of factors in the first place by specifying stringsAsFactors=FALSE in your data.frame call. ..或@Dwin指出,可以通过在data.frame调用中指定stringsAsFactors=FALSE来首先创建combined字符而不是因子。

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