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[英]Prevent AsyncTask from running multiple times in bindView

I have a custom CursorAdapter that is using multiple AsyncTask s in its bindView method to load images into a grid. 我有一个自定义的CursorAdapter ,它在其bindView方法中使用多个AsyncTask来将图像加载到网格中。

When bindView runs my AsyncTask s get launched multiple times. bindView运行时,我的AsyncTask会多次启动。 This has the effect of pushing up my heap size and can cause Out of Memory errors. 这会增加我的堆大小,并可能导致内存不足错误。

What is the best approach to take, to get AsyncTask s to run just once? 使AsyncTask仅运行一次的最佳方法是什么?

You can cache the results of the Asynctask. 您可以缓存Asynctask的结果。 There is a very useful project on Github you might want to look into. 您可能要研究Github上的一个非常有用的项目。 https://github.com/nostra13/Android-Universal-Image-Loader https://github.com/nostra13/Android-Universal-Image-Loader

I think you are looking for AsyncTaskLoader or its support package implementation. 我认为您正在寻找AsyncTaskLoader或其支持包实现。 It handles everything for you. 它为您处理一切。

An example of how to use it: 如何使用它的示例:

public SampleLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<List<SampleItem>> {

  // We hold a reference to the Loader’s data here.
  private List<SampleItem> mData;

  public SampleLoader(Context ctx) {
    // Loaders may be used across multiple Activitys (assuming they aren't
    // bound to the LoaderManager), so NEVER hold a reference to the context
    // directly. Doing so will cause you to leak an entire Activity's context.
    // The superclass constructor will store a reference to the Application
    // Context instead, and can be retrieved with a call to getContext().

  /** (1) A task that performs the asynchronous load **/

  public List<SampleItem> loadInBackground() {
    // This method is called on a background thread and should generate a
    // new set of data to be delivered back to the client.
    List<SampleItem> data = new ArrayList<SampleItem>();

    // TODO: Perform the query here and add the results to 'data'.

    return data;

  /** (2) Deliver the results to the registered listener **/

  public void deliverResult(List<SampleItem> data) {
    if (isReset()) {
      // The Loader has been reset; ignore the result and invalidate the data.

    // Hold a reference to the old data so it doesn't get garbag ecollected.
    // We must protect it until the new data has been delivered.
    List<SampleItem> oldData = mData;
    mData = data;

    if (isStarted()) {
      // If the Loader is in a started state, deliver the results to the
      // client. The superclass method does this for us.

    // Invalidate the old data as we don't need it any more.
    if (oldData != null && oldData != data) {

  /** (3) Implement the Loader’s state-dependent behavior **/

  protected void onStartLoading() {
    if (mData != null) {
      // Deliver any previously loaded data immediately.

    // Begin monitoring the underlying data source.
    if (mObserver == null) {
      mObserver = new SampleObserver();
      // TODO: register the observer

    if (takeContentChanged() || mData == null) {
      // When the observer detects a change, it should call onContentChanged()
      // on the Loader, which will cause the next call to takeContentChanged()
      // to return true. If this is ever the case (or if the current data is
      // null), we force a new load.

  protected void onStopLoading() {
    // The Loader is in a stopped state, so we should attempt to cancel the
    // current load (if there is one).

    // Note that we leave the observer as is. Loaders in a stopped state
    // should still monitor the data source for changes so that the Loader
    // will know to force a new load if it is ever started again.

  protected void onReset() {
    // Ensure the loader has been stopped.

    // At this point we can release the resources associated with 'mData'.
    if (mData != null) {
      mData = null;

    // The Loader is being reset, so we should stop monitoring for changes.
    if (mObserver != null) {
      // TODO: unregister the observer
      mObserver = null;

  public void onCanceled(List<SampleItem> data) {
    // Attempt to cancel the current asynchronous load.

    // The load has been canceled, so we should release the resources
    // associated with 'data'.

  private void releaseResources(List<SampleItem> data) {
    // For a simple List, there is nothing to do. For something like a Cursor, we
    // would close it in this method. All resources associated with the Loader
    // should be released here.

  /** (4) Observer which receives notifications when the data changes **/

  // NOTE: Implementing an observer is outside the scope of this post (this example
  // uses a made-up "SampleObserver" to illustrate when/where the observer should
  // be initialized).

  // The observer could be anything so long as it is able to detect content changes
  // and report them to the loader with a call to onContentChanged(). For example,
  // if you were writing a Loader which loads a list of all installed applications
  // on the device, the observer could be a BroadcastReceiver that listens for the
  // ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED intent, and calls onContentChanged() on the particular
  // Loader whenever the receiver detects that a new application has been installed.
  // Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment if you still find this confusing! :)
  private SampleObserver mObserver;

The source: androiddesignpatterns.com - Implementing Loaders (part 3) 来源: androiddesignpatterns.com-实现加载程序(第3部分)

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