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boost :: asio :: async_read不读取后续数据包

[英]boost::asio::async_read not reading subsequent packets

I'm trying to make a TCP Chat Server that will communicate with an already existing chat client. 我正在尝试制作一个TCP聊天服务器,该服务器将与现有的聊天客户端进行通信。 I don't have access to the code of the existing chat client but I know what it sends over the network and what I should send back. 我无权访问现有聊天客户端的代码,但我知道它在网络上发送的内容以及应该发回的内容。

I'm trying to use the boost::asio library but for some reason it doesn't want to perform the second boost::asio::async_read and I can't for the life of me figure it out. 我正在尝试使用boost::asio库,但由于某种原因,它不想执行第二次boost::asio::async_read ,我一生都boost::asio::async_read

I edited the boost::asio::async_read function to add a printf( "async_read\\n" ); 我编辑了boost::asio::async_read函数以添加一个printf( "async_read\\n" ); just to see if it actually was being called and indeed it is. 只是看看它是否真的被调用了,确实是。

Here is what I'm getting as output: 这是我得到的输出:

[INFO] Adding Server
[INFO] Starting Servers

[ROOM] Client Joined (#1)
[HEADER] \x70
[HEADER] 112
[ROOM] Client Left (#1)

The client sends two packets right after each other: 客户端彼此紧接着发送两个数据包:

Packet 1 (Header : Body Size):
00000000  70 00                                            p.

Packet 2 (Body : Auth Info):
00000002  00 0c 59 38 3d 00 38 34  62 63 34 35 62 65 35 66 ..Y8=.84 bc45be5f
00000012  36 33 34 34 35 66 63 33  38 32 34 32 31 61 39 39 63445fc3 82421a99
00000022  31 66 37 66 39 62 00 31  30 35 2e 32 33 36 2e 33 1f7f9b.1 05.236.3
00000032  35 2e 39 39 00 61 39 33  35 66 65 62 32 64 62 66 5.99.a93 5feb2dbf
00000042  36 65 38 66 32 39 30 62  32 61 36 64 36 37 61 35 6e8f290b 2a6d67a5
00000052  31 36 63 65 65 30 36 34  64 38 64 63 37 00 28 00 16cee064 d8dc7.(.
00000062  00 00 81 06 01 00 77 61  63 00 03 00 09 00 00 00 ......wa c.......

As you can see, the server code only receives the first packet then stalls on the second boost::asio::async_read call 如您所见,服务器代码仅接收第一个数据包,然后停在第二个boost::asio::async_read调用上

Here is the modified code: 这是修改后的代码:

typedef std::deque< ChatMessage > ChatMessageQueue;

class ChatParticipant
    virtual ~ChatParticipant( ) { }
    virtual void Deliver( const ChatMessage &Message ) = 0;

typedef boost::shared_ptr< ChatParticipant > ChatParticipantPtr;

class ChatRoom
    void join( ChatParticipantPtr Participant )
        m_Participants.insert( Participant );
        printf( "[ROOM] Client Joined (#%i)\n", m_Participants.size( ) );
        std::for_each( m_RecentMessages.begin( ), m_RecentMessages.end( ),
            boost::bind( &ChatParticipant::Deliver, Participant, _1 ) );

    void leave( ChatParticipantPtr Participant )
        printf( "[ROOM] Client Left (#%i)\n", m_Participants.count( Participant ) );
        m_Participants.erase( Participant );

    void deliver( const ChatMessage &Message )
        m_RecentMessages.push_back( Message );
        while( m_RecentMessages.size( ) > MaxRecentMessages )
            m_RecentMessages.pop_front( );

        std::for_each( m_Participants.begin( ), m_Participants.end( ),
            boost::bind( &ChatParticipant::Deliver, _1, boost::ref( Message ) ) );

    std::set< ChatParticipantPtr > m_Participants;
    enum { MaxRecentMessages = 100 };
    ChatMessageQueue m_RecentMessages;

class ChatSession : public ChatParticipant, public boost::enable_shared_from_this< ChatSession >
    ChatSession( boost::asio::io_service &IOService, ChatRoom &Room ) : m_Socket( IOService ), m_Room( Room )

    tcp::socket &Socket( )
        return m_Socket;

    void Start( )
        m_Room.join( shared_from_this( ) );
        boost::asio::async_read( m_Socket, 
            boost::asio::buffer( m_ReadMessage.data( ), ChatMessage::HeaderLength ),
            boost::bind( &ChatSession::Handle_ReadHeader, shared_from_this( ), boost::asio::placeholders::error ) );

    void Deliver( const ChatMessage &Message )
        bool write_in_progress = !m_WriteMessages.empty( );
        m_WriteMessages.push_back( Message );
        if( !write_in_progress )
            boost::asio::async_write( m_Socket,
                boost::asio::buffer( m_WriteMessages.front( ).data( ), m_WriteMessages.front( ).length( ) ),
                boost::bind( &ChatSession::Handle_Write, shared_from_this( ), boost::asio::placeholders::error ) );

    void Handle_ReadHeader( const boost::system::error_code &Error )
        if( Error )
            m_Room.leave( shared_from_this( ) );

        if( m_ReadMessage.DecodeHeader( ) )
            printf( "[HEADER] %s\n", Strings::StringToHex( m_ReadMessage.data( ) ).c_str( ) );
            printf( "[HEADER] %i\n", m_ReadMessage.length( ) );
            boost::asio::async_read( m_Socket,
                boost::asio::buffer( m_ReadMessage.body( ), m_ReadMessage.length( ) ),
                boost::bind( &ChatSession::Handle_ReadBody, shared_from_this( ), boost::asio::placeholders::error ) );

    void Handle_ReadBody( const boost::system::error_code &Error )
        if( Error )
            m_Room.leave( shared_from_this( ) );

        printf( "[BODY] %s\n", Strings::StringToHex( m_ReadMessage.body( ) ).c_str( ) );
        //m_Room.deliver( m_ReadMessage );
        boost::asio::async_read( m_Socket,
            boost::asio::buffer( m_ReadMessage.data( ), ChatMessage::HeaderLength ),
            boost::bind( &ChatSession::Handle_ReadHeader, shared_from_this( ), boost::asio::placeholders::error ) );

    void Handle_Write( const boost::system::error_code &Error )
        if( Error )
            m_Room.leave( shared_from_this( ) );

        m_WriteMessages.pop_front( );
        if( !m_WriteMessages.empty( ) )
            boost::asio::async_write( m_Socket,
                boost::asio::buffer( m_WriteMessages.front( ).data( ), m_WriteMessages.front( ).length( ) ),
                boost::bind( &ChatSession::Handle_Write, shared_from_this( ), boost::asio::placeholders::error ) );

    tcp::socket m_Socket;
    ChatRoom &m_Room;
    ChatMessage m_ReadMessage;
    ChatMessageQueue m_WriteMessages;

typedef boost::shared_ptr< ChatSession > ChatSessionPtr;

class ChatServer
    ChatServer( boost::asio::io_service &IOService, const tcp::endpoint &EndPoint ) : m_IOService( IOService ), m_Acceptor( IOService, EndPoint )
        StartAccepting( );

    void StartAccepting()
        ChatSessionPtr NewSession( new ChatSession( m_IOService, m_Room ) );
        m_Acceptor.async_accept( NewSession->Socket( ),
            boost::bind( &ChatServer::Handle_Accept, this, NewSession, boost::asio::placeholders::error ) );

    void Handle_Accept( ChatSessionPtr Session, const boost::system::error_code& Error )
        if( !Error )
            Session->Start( );

        StartAccepting( );

    boost::asio::io_service &m_IOService;
    tcp::acceptor m_Acceptor;
    ChatRoom m_Room;

typedef boost::shared_ptr< ChatServer > ChatServerPtr;

int main( int argc, char **argv, char **envp )
    boost::asio::io_service IOService;

    tcp::endpoint EndPoint( tcp::v4( ), 10013 );
    ChatServerPtr Server( new ChatServer( IOService, EndPoint ) );
    printf( "[INFO] Adding Server %s:%i\n", EndPoint.address( ).to_string( ).c_str( ), EndPoint.port( ) );

    IOService.run( );

    return TRUE;

Can you see what I'm doing wrong? 你能看到我做错了吗?

TCP is a byte oriented stream and has no concept of a "packet" in the API. TCP是面向字节的流,并且在API中没有“包”的概念。 Your first read is reading 112 bytes (according to your debug output), so you are reading the header and the body in a single call. 您的第一次读取是读取112个字节(根据调试输出),因此您将在一个调用中读取标头和主体。

What you should be doing is reading the two byte length first by calling async_read with a two byte buffer. 您应该做的是首先通过使用两个字节的缓冲区调用async_read来读取两个字节的长度。 When that returns you should decode it and use that length to specify how many bytes you want to read for the body. 当返回时,您应该对其进行解码,并使用该长度来指定要为主体读取的字节数。 This should be the number of bytes you pass in the buffer parameter to your next call to async_read. 这应该是您在buffer参数中传递给下一个对async_read的调用的字节数。

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