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[英]Open Safari on Mac Client from RDP or Citrix

I have a scenario where I have users accessing our company application either via Citrix or RDP. 我遇到的情况是,用户可以通过Citrix或RDP访问我们的公司应用程序。

The app needs to make a call from within the session to the client pc so it can open a browser for credit card entry. 该应用程序需要从会话中向客户端PC进行呼叫,以便它可以打开浏览器以输入信用卡。

This is all working okay as I'm using COM to make the call on Windows clients, however I'm not exactly sure how to approach this for Mac. 一切正常,因为我正在使用COM在Windows客户端上进行呼叫,但是我不确定如何在Mac上使用该方法。

I believe a start might be able to use AppleScript to open the browser, but not sure on the best way to call the AppleScript. 我相信一开始也许可以使用AppleScript打开浏览器,但是不确定以最佳方式调用AppleScript。 Should I create a C++ app written in xCode. 我应该创建一个用xCode编写的C ++应用程序。

I'm new to any apple development, so any help or direction would be helpful. 我对任何Apple开发都不陌生,因此任何帮助或指导都将对您有所帮助。

如果您可以访问远程Mac上的Shell,则打开Safari(或其他默认浏览器)所需要做的就是执行open <URL> ,例如:

open http://example.com

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