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PHP MySQL +不同选择查询之间分开

[英]php mysql + separate between different select query

I am creating a search form using a drop down list to allow the user to select between three types of search: 我正在使用下拉列表创建搜索表单,以允许用户在三种搜索类型之间进行选择:

  • by name 按名字
  • by specialization 通过专业化
  • by location 按位置

What is really happening is that the select query or the search form do not display any result. 实际情况是选择查询或搜索表单不显示任何结果。 It only works on the search by name query without using any other types 它仅适用于按名称搜索而不使用任何其他类型

My question is how to separate between these three types or how to make the drop list disable if the user did not select it? 我的问题是如何在这三种类型之间进行区分,或者如果用户未选择下拉列表,如何使下拉列表禁用?

search.php search.php

if($_SESSION['login'] != 'true'){

   $login = ($_SESSION['login']);
   $userid = ($_SESSION['user_id']);
   $login_user = ($_SESSION['username']);
   $fname = ($_SESSION['first_name']);
   $lname = ($_SESSION['last_name']);
   $sessionaddres =($_SESSION['address']);

require_once('for members/scripts/connect.php'); 

// function for selecting names
function nameQuery(){

  $nameData = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user") or die("could select database");

  while($record = mysql_fetch_array($nameData)){

     echo'<option value="' . $record['user_name'] .  '">' . $record['user_name'] . '</option>';



// function for select by specialization

function specializationQuery(){

$specData = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM specialization");

  while($recordJob = mysql_fetch_array($specData)){

     echo'<option value="' . $recordJob['specialization_name'] .  '">' . $recordJob['specialization_name'] . '</option>';




    $Sgov = $_POST['governorate'];
    @$Sdist = $_POST['district'];
    @$Svillage = $_POST['village'];

    // query  search by name
        $Sname =$_POST['name'];
    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT first_name, last_name, profile_pic FROM user WHERE user_name ='$Sname'")or die(mysql_error());

     while($getrow = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
        $firstname = $getrow['first_name'];
        $lastname = $getrow['last_name'];
        $profilepic = $getrow['profile_pic'];

        if($profilepic == "") 
             $profile_pic = "images/default_img.jpg";
             $profile_pic = "userdata/profile_pics/".$profilepic;

         echo "<ul>
           ".$firstname. " ".$lastname ."
           <img style='width:80px' src='".$profile_pic . "'>
       echo "their was no result!!!!";

// search by specialization

    $Sspec = $_POST['specialization'];
    $sql = mysql_query(" SELECT first_name, last_name, profile_pic FROM user WHERE specialization = '$Sspec'")or die(mysql_error());
     while($getrow = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
        $firstname = $getrow['first_name'];
        $lastname = $getrow['last_name'];
        $profilepic = $getrow['profile_pic'];

        if($profilepic == "") 
             $profile_pic = "images/default_img.jpg";
             $profile_pic = "userdata/profile_pics/".$profilepic;

         echo "<ul>
           ".$firstname. " ".$lastname ."
           <img style='width:80px' src='".$profile_pic . "'>
       echo "their was no result!!!!";


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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>search page</title>
<link href="style/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type = "text/javascript" src = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

                var id = $("select#governorate option:selected").attr('value');
                $.post("select_district.php", {id:id}, function(data){
            id = $(this).val(); 
            $.post("select_village.php", {id:id}, function(data){

                var cat = $("select#governorate option:selected").attr('value');
                var type = $("select#district option:selected").attr('value');
                var village = $("select#village option:selected").attr('value');



<div class="container">
<!--<?php require_once('header.php'); ?>-->
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />

  <!-- <?php require_once('leftsideBar2.php'); ?>-->

   <div id="search-title">Search section</div>
    <div id="search-form">
    <?php include "select.class.php"; ?>
        <form action="search.php" method="post">

         Search By Name:<br />
         <select name="name" >
            <?php nameQuery(); ?>
             <option id="0">-- select By UserName --</option>
           Search By Governorate:<br />

        <select id="governorate" name = 'governorate'>
                <?php echo $opt->ShowGovernorate(); ?>
           <br /><br/>
           Search by District:<br />

      <select id="district" name="district">
                    <option value="0">choose...</option>

           <br /><br/>
           Search by Cities:<br />
           <select id="village" name="village">
                    <option value="0">choose...</option>
           <br /><br/>
           Search By Specialization:<br />
           <select name="specialization">
             <option id="0" disabled="disabled">-- select Job --</option>

          <?php specializationQuery(); ?>
          <input type="submit" name="search" value="Search"  />

<?php require_once('footer.php'); ?>

You could use this way: 您可以使用这种方式:

$Sspec = $_POST['specialization'];
if ($Sspec != '') {
  $w = "WHERE specialization = '".$Sspec."'";
$sql = mysql_query(" SELECT first_name, last_name, profile_pic FROM user ".$w)or die(mysql_error());

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