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[英]CakePHP Missing Plugin exception after deletion

I just deleted the Media Plugin and edited my bootstrap.php. 我只是删除了媒体插件并编辑了bootstrap.php。 I'm now getting a Missing plugin exception. 我现在遇到了Missing插件异常。 Am I doing something wrong? 难道我做错了什么?

You're probably still referring to the plugin somewhere in your application, for example by trying to use a Helper or a Model that uses the plugin notation; 您可能仍在应用程序中的某个位置引用插件,例如通过尝试使用使用插件表示法的HelperModel

  • Clear the cache of your application, by removing the content of the app/tmp/cache/models and app/tmp/cache/persistent/ directories 通过删除app/tmp/cache/modelsapp/tmp/cache/persistent/目录的内容来清除app/tmp/cache/models app/tmp/cache/persistent/
  • Look for helpers, components, behaviors and models that use the plugin, for example: 查找使用该插件的帮助程序,组件,行为和模型,例如:

Helpers and models in a controller: 控制器中的助手和模型:

 public $helpers = array(

 public $uses = array(

Or in a model; 或在模型中;

public $actsAs => array(

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