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C#Windows Form App使用C#SDK从Paypal获取销售数据/交易详细信息吗?

[英]C# Windows Form App get sales data/transaction details from Paypal using C# SDK?

I currently have a Windows Form App (C#) used to generate tickets for an charity exhibition, currently I have to enter the transaction details in manually (eg name, number of each ticket sold) and I'm looking for a way to get the transaction data out of paypal pragmatically. 我目前有一个用于生成慈善展览门票的Windows Form App(C#),目前我必须手动输入交易详细信息(例如名称,每张售出的门票数量),并且我正在寻找一种方法来获取交易数据从Paypal务实地移出。

I'm not really a developer (IT technician would be a more apt description), I've got as far as downloading the c# SDK and I think the trasnsactionsearch method may be what I'm looking for, but reading the documentation I really don't understand or have a clue how to get this to work. 我不是真正的开发人员(IT技术人员会提供更恰当的描述),我已经下载了c#SDK,并且我认为trasnsactionsearch方法可能是我想要的,但是我确实阅读了文档不了解或不知道如何使它工作。 All I'm really looking to do is connect to paypal and grab the number of each ticket sold and the name of the purchaser so I Can put them in my MySQL database, any help or examples of how to do this would be great! 我真正想要做的就是连接到Paypal并获取每张售票的编号和购买者的姓名,这样我就可以将它们放入MySQL数据库,任何帮助或做到这一点的示例都将是很棒的!

An intermediate solution would be to go to the History tab and download a date range or full transaction history in CSV format and then import that through your program. 中间的解决方案是转到“历史记录”选项卡,以CSV格式下载日期范围或完整的交易记录,然后通过程序将其导入。 (or even from a generic MySQL console or client if you structure your tables appropriately). (如果您适当地构造表,甚至可以从通用MySQL控制台或客户端获得)。 This is probably more the "IT technician" way of doing things, vis a vis implementing the TransactionSearch method. 与实现TransactionSearch方法相比,这可能更像是“ IT技术人员”的处理方式。

A going-forward solution might be to implement an Instant Payment Notification (IPN) listener that loads transactions into your database one-by-one the moment they come in. IPN scripts aren't hard to do and there's plenty of resources out there. 向前的解决方案可能是实现即时付款通知(IPN)侦听器,该侦听器在交易进入时将其一一加载到数据库中。IPN脚本并不难做,并且那里有很多资源。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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