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[英]How to make this htaccess not redirect or change the url?

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*).addon.com$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://main.net/subfolder/%1.addon.com/$1 [L]

It's the final step for one of my projects. 这是我的一个项目的最后一步。

Your help will be greatly appreciated... 对你的帮助表示感谢...

You can make use of the proxy flag in your rule. 您可以在规则中使用代理标志。 It basically sends your request to mod_proxy for further processing - a 'proxy request'. 它基本上将您的请求发送到mod_proxy进行进一步处理-一个“代理请求”。

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://main.net/subfolder/%1.addon.com/$1 [P]

Nore that use of the proxy flag automatically implies the last or L flag, where no further rules will be taken into account as another server is now handling the request. 不用说,使用代理标志会自动暗示lastL标志,因为其他服务器现在正在处理请求,因此不再考虑其他规则。

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