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[英]MySQL select unique row entries of a column as columns in a new view or table

I have a dilemma. 我有两难选择。 I am using a CMS that creates a database table where the records are populated as follows: 我正在使用CMS创建数据库表,其中记录的填充如下:

| field_name |  field_value   |
| your-name  | Adam           |
| your-email | adam@email.com |
| your-name  | Ben            |
| your-email | en@email.com   |

where field_name and field_value are column names. 其中field_name和field_value是列名。 Also, 'your-name' and 'your-email' are are the input names of forms in a webpage. 另外,“您的姓名”和“您的电子邮件”是网页中表单的输入名称。

(there are other columns but none of them have a unique row entry) (还有其他列,但它们都没有唯一的行条目)

My question is, how do i create a table or view so that I can get to this from the above table? 我的问题是,如何创建表或视图,以便可以从上表中访问该表或视图?

| your-name |   your-email   |
| Adam      | Adam@email.com |
| Ben       | Ben@email.com  |

I have thought about creating views and joining them but I cannot seem to get it working. 我曾考虑过创建视图并加入它们,但似乎无法使其正常工作。

Any ideas how to implement this? 任何想法如何实现这一点?

Thank you! 谢谢!

Do you have an ID in your table? 表格中有ID吗? If you have, you could use this: 如果有,可以使用以下方法:

  MAX(CASE WHEN field_name='your-name' THEN field_value END) your_name,
  MAX(CASE WHEN field_name='your-email' THEN field_value END) your_email

Please see fiddle here . 请看这里的小提琴。

Doesn't your table 1 have kind of an id column like this (so that (id, field_name) is the primary key of this table)? 您的表1是否没有这样的id列(因此,(id,field_name)是该表的主键)?

| id | field_name |  field_value   |
| 1  | your-name  | Adam           |
| 1  | your-email | adam@email.com |
| 2  | your-name  | Ben            |
| 2  | your-email | en@email.com   |

Then you could do... 那你可以做...

SELECT DISTINCT myTableAlias.id,
    (SELECT field_value FROM table
     WHERE id=myTableAlias.id AND field_name = 'your-name') your-name,
    (SELECT field_value FROM table
     WHERE id=myTableAlias.id AND field_name = 'your-email') your-email,
FROM table myTableAlias

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