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++ —运算符优先级难题

[英]++ — Operator precedence puzzle

For the long time I thought I get it, and I was going to create some puzzles to learn some of my „students“ on the topic of operator precedence in c#. 长期以来,我一直以为自己会明白,因此我将创建一些难题,以学习一些有关C#中运算符优先级的“学生”。 But it came out that I still don't get it right. 但是结果是我仍然做得不好。

Puzzles: What's the output here? 困惑:这里的输出是什么?

int a = 0;            
int x = --a + a++;

Output: 输出:

-2 0 -2 0

All clear here, I expected this 一切都清楚了,我期望这个

Next, the problem one: 接下来,问题一:

int b = 0;
int y = b-- + b++;

Output: 输出:

-1 0 -1 0

Well, here I also expected y to be -2… Now I'm trying to apply operator precedence rules and order of evaluation, and not sure I explained it to myself. 好吧,在这里我也期望y为-2 ...现在我试图应用运算符优先级规则和求值顺序,并且不确定我向自己解释了它。 Read this post again few times today, but still don't quite get it why is the result here -1? 今天再读几次该帖子 ,但仍然不太明白为什么这里的结果为-1? Can someone help with how is the second result evaluated. 有人可以帮助评估第二个结果如何。 why and how is it different than the first one? 为什么和第一个有什么不同?

b-- is post-decrement. b--递减。 So: 所以:

b-- returns zero and subtracts 1 from b, leaving -1 in b.

b++ returns the -1 from the last step and adds 1, leaving 0 in b.

Final result of the addition: -1. 加法的最终结果:-1。

Do what the compiler does: break it down slowly and surely into equivalent programs. 做编译器要做的事情:将它缓慢而确定地分解为等效程序。

int b = 0;
int y = b-- + b++;

is equivalent to 相当于

int b, y;
b = 0;
y = b-- + b++;

is equivalent to 相当于

int b, y;
b = 0;
int leftAddend = b--;
int rightAddend = b++;
y = leftAddend + rightAddend;

is equivalent to 相当于

int b, y;
b = 0;
int originalb1 = b;
int newb1 = originalb1 - 1;
b = newb1;
int leftAddend = originalb1;
int originalb2 = b;
int newb2 = originalb2 + 1;
b = newb2;
int rightAddend = newb2;
y = leftAddend + rightAddend;

And now annotate each with its value: 现在用其值注释每个值:

int b, y;
b = 0;                       // b is now 0
int originalb1 = b;          // originalb1 is now 0
int newb1 = originalb1 - 1;  // newb1 is now -1
b = newb1;                   // b is now -1
int leftAddend = originalb1; // leftAddend is now 0
int originalb2 = b;          // originalb2 is now -1 
int newb2 = originalb2 + 1;  // newb2 is now 0
b = newb2;                   // b is now 0
int rightAddend = originalb2;// rightAddend is now -1
y = leftAddend + rightAddend;// y is now -1

This is precisely how the compiler deals with this situation; 这正是编译器处理这种情况的方式。 the compiler is just a bit more clever about optimizing away the temporaries. 编译器在优化临时变量方面更加聪明。 Analyzing expressions gets easy if you just break it down into simpler steps . 如果将表达式分解为更简单的步骤,则分析表达式将变得很容易。

int b = 0;
int y = b-- + b++;

Break it down by step: 逐步分解:

y = b--

Here, y is set to b (0), then b is decremented to -1 . 在此,将y设置为b(0),然后将b减为-1

+ b++

Here, y (0) is added to b (decremented to -1 in prev step) equaling -1 , then b is incremented to zero. 在此,将y(0)加到等于-1 b(在上一步中减为-1),然后b递增为零。 Output: 输出:

-1 0

Postfix -- / ++ returns the original value of the variable. 后缀-- / ++返回变量的初始值。 So: 所以:

With your example b-- + b++ : 以您的示例b-- + b++

  • b-- means decrement b, return the original value. b--表示递减b,返回原始值。 So b = b - 1 , b is now -1 , and the value of the expression is 0 . 因此b = b - 1b现在为-1 ,表达式的值为0
  • b++ means increment b, return the original value. b++表示递增b,返回原始值。 So b = b + 1 , b is now 0 , and the value of the expression is -1 . 因此b = b + 1b现在为0 ,表达式的值为-1
  • Then, 0 + -1 == -1 . 然后, 0 + -1 == -1 This is y . 这是y b is still 0 . b仍为0

This question has been answered, but I wanted to state the answer another way. 这个问题已经回答了,但是我想用另一种方式陈述答案。

int b = 0;
int y = b-- + b++;

The expression b-- evaluates to 0 (the original value of b) and has the side effect (applied after evaluation) of decrementing b to -1. 表达式b--求值为0 (b的原始值),并且具有将b递减为-1的副作用(在求值后应用)。

The expression b++ evaluates to -1 (because of the previous side effect) and has the side effect (applied after evaluation) of incrementing b to 0. 表达式b++计算结果为-1 (由于先前的副作用),并且具有将b增加到0的副作用(在评估后应用)。

This leaves the expression 0 + -1 which is -1 . 剩下的表达式0 + -1-1

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